Actually, my [morbidly obese] doc when I was younger informed my twelve-year-old self that I was "too fat" hence I needed to lose ten pounds.
To preface THAT, lemme explain that, development-wise, I looked about fifteen.
As someone who has always been proportionately large in EVERY way---big mouth, big thigh circumference, big curves---I know how difficult it can be to distinguish between "unhealthfully overweight" versus "within one's OWN PARTICULAR healthy range yet overweight by BMI-dictated standards."
Studies have proven that morbidly obese people can in fact be fit, that they can be healthy, that they can even eat the same way a much thinner person would.
Weight is primarily dictated by genes, remember? This might explain why members of certain races tend to have very different body shapes, weights, even diets than others. Choosing how to distribute body mass on a person in order to best suit them for their specific environment is a process which takes millenia.
The BMI index however does not account for any of that. Like most instances of modern medicine attempting to force-feed people of color the lie that "something is wrong" with them, the BMI index was formatted around the typical weights of white people.
Yes, there is SOME variation throughout the course of the BMI system, but not nearly enough when you consider that a typical Samoan without dietary interference by "well-meaning" white folks would weigh probably two hundred pounds more than the average Anglo-Saxon person.
The picts were a small dark people of the British hills who valued fleetness of foot; not so far away, in a global scale anyway, Russia was selecting the hardiest, most muscled, most wide-hipped among its populace to reproduce.
Being proportionate in one's size is a far better indicator of one's health than is one's physical weight. After all, look at Tyra Banks---by typical "model" standards, the womyn is morbidly obese [just the same as most African-American womyn would be by typical "white" standards!] yet are you really gonna stand here telling me the womyn is anything less than a knockout?