Tear Jerker

I watched this film for the first time last night, and I balled when Brittany was being forced to leave on account of her insurance dropping. The fact that she considered herself "fat" was truly upsetting. And that one woman who tried talking to her about what the outcome will be if she continues to be anorexic, that was heart-wrenching as well. A 28-year old woman with no period because of her Ed - depressing.



I watched this for a class, and i totally agree with you. I was kinda dissapointed with polly though

"Oh, I wish..."



I hope you're kidding. If not, you must be cold-hearted.


yeah. anorexia is not in the least bit funny, and this is coming from someone who does not get easily offended at all. i guess because i've had experience with this e.d, and i honestly feel the pain of these girls. if you think that its stupid to have anorexia, have fun in hell. no one likes it if they have it- with anorexia you dont see clearly, you hate yourself, you lie constantly...it is so difficult. anyway this documentary was really well-done, and it is really not to be taken lightly.



Eating is hard if you crave to be thin more than anything.



im ignoring your comments, they'er bitchy and heartless. you obviously dont understang the complexity and scary world that is an eating disorder. you dont understand the pain you go through when you see youself in your family's eyes and see you pain, yet you're too scared to help yourself. an on your other comments about how people get disorders for attention, thats not true either. i know people who have anorexia and have put themselves through physical and emotional hell to just disappear from the world.

anyway, i agree that this movie was definately a tear jerker. i found it really painful to watch, and i cant imagine how hard it must've been to film that. to actually sit behind a camera and watch those 4 girls destroy themselves, especially when polly and alysa were purging. i bet it was really hard to be so open infront of the camera too. the only one i had a little bit of trouble feeling sorry for was brittany. i could understand her pain, and i found it really hard to see how distorted her body image was. but at she didnt seem so genuinely truthful when she talked to people. maybe she was too truthful, but the way she was talking made it seem that she was saying everything because she was on camera. she seemed like a bit of a drama queen to me. but i guess thats how some people are.





MathewsJ1 needs some work on his people skills, but his logic is sound.

The only way an alcoholic can save his life is to stop drinking.

The only way a druggie can save his life is to not shoot up.

The only way someone who starves themselves can survive is to begin eating.

After all the debate and arguing about causes and psychological disorders, we are forced back to these conculsions.

In the end It IS that black and white. All the compassion and sensitivity in the world won't change that.


MathewsJ1 needs some work on his people skills, but his logic is sound.

The only way an alcoholic can save his life is to stop drinking.

The only way a druggie can save his life is to not shoot up.

The only way someone who starves themselves can survive is to begin eating.

After all the debate and arguing about causes and psychological disorders, we are forced back to these conculsions.

In the end It IS that black and white. All the compassion and sensitivity in the world won't change that.

Its about more than just compassion or sensitivity, F6Pilot. All of those problems you just metioned are PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES. It is impossible to completely rid someone of a psychological disorder by merely correcting the physical aspects of it. You have to get to the core of the problem, which involves not only "eating more" but also with rigorous therapy groups.

The only way an alcoholic, a drug addict, a craving narcissist, a compulsive overeater, or an anorexic can achieve wellness is by figuring out the subconscious reason for their psychological issues, and getting that corrected. This includes people with anorexia or bulimia. Only then, can the person increase their food intake and/or stop binging and purging.


The only way an alcoholic can save his life is to stop drinking.

The only way a druggie can save his life is to not shoot up.

The only way someone who starves themselves can survive is to begin eating.

After all the debate and arguing about causes and psychological disorders, we are forced back to these conculsions.

In the end It IS that black and white. All the compassion and sensitivity in the world won't change that.
If it were only that easy. Addiction and EDs are very complex issues and difficult to treat. Do you realize that the large majority of those with addiction and/or ED disorders are suffering from an underlying form of mental illness?

Many of these people (including myself years ago) used both EDs and drugs as a way of coping and self-medicating themselves due to their mental illness being undiagnosed, not treated, or under-treated.

Both EDs and addiction are both very confusing, difficult-to-treat mental conditions. Many times there is a mental illness (either in the form of depression or bipolar disorder just to name a couple) as an underlying issue.

Yes, those with EDs and addiction should be treated with compassion, just like any other person who has mental or physical disorders. It's not a black and white issue. It's a very complex issue. If it's as simple as you make it sound, then why do people with addictions and/or EDs die?

if you're bitter still, ask Him to help you carry on ~ Blue October


Actually, of them all I thought that she was being the most truthful. She was fairly unpfront with the fact that she didn't want treatment, wasn't interested in being there, and was only there because her parents forced her to be. Her interaction towards the end with the community was heartbreaking, mostly because she is so clearly a little girl while the others are all adult women for who we probably wouldn't have as much sympathy. Shelly was CLEARLY very manipulative. She was able to turn almost everything to her advantage, for example she stayed in the program because she turned on Polly. In fact her manipulative nature was stated explicitly by the team. Polly I thought had a lot of influence but that it wasn't always used negatively, and all in all she was singled out a bit unfairly.

It was a pretty harsh look at their lives, and I sincerely hope these women all find the peace they need to get past their issues and lead healthy lives.


traci, i don't think shelly was manipulative, based on what i saw. the documentary showed that part of recovery is honesty. she "turned" on polly by being honest.

upon a second viewing, i had more empathy for polly and disagreed about her being a painted as a criminal. the staff may have had a good reason to send her home, but i don't think she's a bad person. like all the other women, she's desperately trying to find herself and be happy. and sometimes, that means she makes poor decisions.



mathews, i'm officially ignoring you, and hopefully others will do the same.




Peace & Love,


*~*MoOdY JeNnY*~*


You're an insensitive man. Of course you don't understand the pains of women with eating disorders. You have no idea how hard it is. You don't look in the mirror and see yourself as fat and ugly. But others, when they look at themselves, do. We all perceive ourselves differently. Some of us think we're just the hottest little *beep* on this earth. Others think they look like scum. You must be quite fond of yourself, so you have not right to talk and criticize others and their problems. I'm sure you have issues of your own. In fact you do, you're proving to be quite the bully at the moment. Why don't you go pick on yourself instead of others?


<Actually, of them all I thought that she was being the most truthful.>

I go back and forth. She seems so much painfully younger than the other girls (like isn't Shelly 10 years older than her) and she keeps her eyes down and talks in a very small voice, it almost doesn't seem she believes what she's saying. I seem to remember a scene between her and the nutritionist where she admits to not letting the nutritionist know about some infraction (like purging 12 times?)

I don't know if she was always honest, but I still felt really sorry for her when she had to leave because of finances - especially since she was so young and defenseless, and her mother didn't seem to have her own act together.

God save Donald Duck, vaudeville and variety


you dont understand the pain you go through when you see youself in your family's eyes and see you pain, yet you're too scared to help yourself.


Ayyyyyyiiiiyiiii!! I don't wish to be as offensive as other posters on this board in terms of insensitivity, but WHAT COULD BE SCARIER THE STARVING TO DEATH????


Mathews, that's totally the natural reaction. The problem is, if you said that to your anorexic daughter, I guarantee you that she'll prefer to die. Most of these girls are depressed, and plenty are suicidal, if you didn't realize from watching Thin. Eat or die? I hope your daughter never has to face that choice.




dont talk

you never went through an eating disorder obviously, so why are you even here?

do you feel smart telling everyone how stupid a diagnosed disorder is? well tell it to one of the millions of licensed doctors who identify and treat anorexia and bulimia.

so while you try to make people with these issues feel stupid and like they are making a big deal out of nothing, i'm going to laugh at that stupidity, pompousness, and complete lack of factual reasoning. suck my left one and go chat with your buddy adolph.




An eating disorder IS a mental illness. Unlike other forms of mental illness, however, it produces physical results. Anorexia is not a "trend".


Are Americans viewed as "weak people"? Who views Americans as "weak"? I don't really care if you have an answer to those questions or not. It doesn't matter. What does matter is that you are so concerned about this perception. Clearly, you have a fear of being perceived as "weak". It's very threatening to you. That ironically makes you the weakest person on this thread. And it doesn't really matter if you think anorexia and/or bulimia aren't "real" illnesses. You're ignorant. Ignorance is not the same thing as stupidity. You simply don't have enough information on or experience with eating disorders to make an accurate assumption about the validity of their authenticity. Sure, you're entitled to your ill-informed opinions. But laughing at someone else's suffering is just beyond pathetic; regardless of what you think is or is not a real medical illness. You said in another comment that people with eating disorders and "eating disorder sympathizers" are inherently hostile people. After reading parts of this thread I've come to the conclusion you are the one with hostility issues. This thread started out with someone expressing sympathy for these girls. You chimed in with hostility.

FYI…drunks, junkies, and people with eating disorders never, ever "skate through life". They SUFFER A LOT. It's by their hands in many ways. But how many people suffering from what you believe to be valid illnesses had a hand in their own declining health? Many people have contracted AIDS because they simply didn't use a condom. Many people have cancer because they made very poor health choices. These people knowingly made irresponsible choices. Are you laughing at them, too? Beyond being ignorant which, under the right circumstances, is a truly forgivable thing you’re just plain mean. And you’re not even right. It’s quite sad. If you really believe that you’re some kind of social visionary then you’re the one with self-aggrandizing and delusional problems. Have you consider seeking psychiatric help for your issues? Nah, you wouldn’t do that. Unlike people who struggle to overcome drug addictions, alcoholism and eating disorders you’re just not that strong or brave.

Frankly, I am embarrassed and disgusted by you.



"My addiction is laughing at eating disorder skanks."

Yeah. That is what makes you defective. And there are no treatment options available for your particular defect. You'll just have to die. This world should be so lucky. I truly hope there comes a day when you suffer from intense physical pain with emotional trauma and instead of anyone offering to help you everyone just laughs at you, hysterically. And then you die.

You're a pathetic waste. Intestinal parasites play a more positive role in the universe than you do.




I have had experience with E.D. as well. I remember when I was 15 (20 years ago!)and overweight and lost 72 lbs mostly by starvation, laxatives, and purging. It went on for about 2 years until I was able to get help. I can look back now at pictures, and I looked like a concentration camp victim. But back then I thought I was still pudgy. It is a hard road, and my heart goes out to ANYONE who has gone through or is going through this. Insurance companies need to wake up and realize that it takes time and treatment to get well.

N.I.P.P.L.E member
S.P.E.R.M- it's everywhere you want to be!


there's people in other countries who need food, and are starving. And people here are not eating just to be thin. This film made me sick to my stomach.....





*~*MoOdY JeNnY*~*





Until you give up everything extra in your life - extra food you pig out on, extra clothes you don't need, that fifth pair of shoes, those CDs you'll stop listening to in a month, that jewellery that means NOTHING but to look good - makeup, hair products, everything superficial. Until you get rid of everything that isn't NECESSARY to your survival and give ALL of that money to people who are suffering from AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis, etc, etc, etc then I suggest you shut your hypocritical hole. You waste just as much except it has nothing to do with a mental instability and everything to do with being vain and selfish.






I felt no pity for these women. Who told them to be anorexic?


I never post here...and I'm sometimes glad I don't...some of your posts...and you know you who you are...make me sick...NO ONE CHOOSES TO BE ANOREXIC...NO ONE CHOOSES TO GET CANCER...NO ONE CHOOSES TO BE SICK! NO ONE! Do you really think those people who have eating disorders CHOSE to be anorexic or bulimic *pardon the spelling if that is wrong?* No one chooses it...yes..there are starving people over in other countries that would look upon these ED victims as selfish but they are NOT! These ED victims have a real sickness...and maybe some of them may be wanting attention but most of them aren't! Remember Karen Carpenter? Yes...she died from anorexia..wanna know why? Insecurities...there is more pressure on women to be thin and that's because WE ARE EXCPECTED TO BE THIN! That is socities want of us! TO BE THIN! And for those who think this just affects women...IT AFFECTS MEN TOO! There are cases also with men who suffer from eating disorders...these are real illnesses that cause deaths of thousands of women a day...I was one...the statements that ED are not "real issues" they are...they affect the heart...brain...stomach...reproductive organs...imagine not being able to have children with your wife/girlfriend/ lover...that's what happens...the cycle stops...because of malnourishment...so before you go bad mouthing on these real victims who aren't being selfish...think again..this affects the mind...body..and soul...and yes...this would affect your children...daughters...sons...you can't just simply say "Eat or die" they'd rather die...then eat


beatlefan81, I just want to say I read your post and it was very heart-wrenching, and real. Thank you for posting. But it won't matter...these a--holes are not going to stop. These sick bastards seem to get a rise by coming to places where they SURE AS HELL don't belong to judge, ridicule and get a rise out of people by slamming on people who suffer from eating disorders when they have NO f---ing right to claim to KNOW what it is like to have an eating disorder, or what people with eating disorders are like, when they, or someone close to them has never had one! It makes me sick too, it really does. It's people like THIS that I pity more, these close-minded, ignorant, insecure, (Which they probably will say they are secure but I can bet my bottom dollar it's a cover-up or a lie...EVERYONE gets insecure from time to time...) insensitive a--holes who don't know a thing!!!

But honestly beatlefan81, just put mathews and any other trolls on IGNORE. Honestly, maybe we can get everyone to put them on ignore...because if no one sees their posts, then there is no one to get upset at them...which equals boredom or unsatisfaction to them and hopefully they'll go away! The key is to ignore...

But anyways, good post! =)


Peace & Love,


*~*MoOdY JeNnY*~*


Thanks Jen :) I just had to vent...get my feelings out cause I just wanted to let them know but yeh I've dealt with trolls so I figured yeh that's what's going on so I shall ignore them too...trolls...should be destroyed...


How annoying all these trolls are.
It feels like a man telling you what its like to give birth. They have no idea what they are talking about.

It is a deep dark suicidal depression.

"What are you laughing at?
If you say Jimmy Fallon, I'll know you're lying!"



No, you are the loser for coming to a message board, one in fact where apparently you don't belong, to TELL someone else that they are a loser.

I mean c'mon, honestly, think about it...

*~*MoOdY JeNnY*~*




Laughs at person who called me a loser...honey...I've been called worse so if you think calling me a loser is going to hurt my feelings think again...what is this anyway? A message board or grade school? Sheesh...feels like I'm in school again with all this namecalling...we're entitled to our feelings but enoughs enough...Matthew you're a troll...anybody else who has been on here and called ED victims or been abusive like Matthew has are trolls...now STOP IT...this is a message board..NOT GRADE SCHOOL





Whoa buddy...I'm sensing a lot of anger here. Tell you what, take a breath, calm yourself, and think for a minute.

Why do you have such hostile feelings toward women with eating disorders? Whether it's a "trend" or an actual disorder, you seem to harbor some resentful feelings toward them.

Seriously, these unfortunate ladies (whether you think its for attention or not...they're not eating...and that's not good) have no bearing on your life, so get over yourself.



Ooh, he busted out the CAPSLOCK KEY. Dude really must be angry. Maybe HIS daddy didn't get him a pony..?



Aw, poor baby has his panties in a bunch because no-one will listen to his voice of reason and wisdom! Poor, poor oppressed little honeybunch! *pinches cheeks*


Actually, you're wrong on all points. I'm a girl, yeah, but I don't have an eating disorder and I don't know anyone who does, fortunately, so no blinders required.

Just because you don't think it's a real disease doesn't make it okay to laugh at, because many people do think it's a real disease, and have real trouble overcoming it. It afflicts both men and women, and many die from it. If that doesn't make it real enough for you, then nothing will.

But whatever, do what you want. I can't stop you, and I can't tell you what to do. If you want to be an insensitive louse, that's your prerogative.


ahem...I give the psychological and physical issues concerning anorexia and bulimia..how it is in fact a disease and what it does to the victim...though there is no hope in getting to Mathew cold, heartless, insensitivity(do you have any emotions whatsoever? Do you even care about any issues in this world? Is there not one you don't laught at or ridicule? Do you not realize that ED'S ALSO AFFECT MEN?) well here they are:

Anorexia is a life threatening condition that can put a serious strain on many of the body's organs and physiological resources. A recent review of the scientific literature outlined a number of reliable findings in this area.[3] Anorexia puts a particular strain on the structure and function of the heart and cardiovascular system, with slow heart rate (bradycardia) and elongation of the QT interval seen early on. People with anorexia typically have a disturbed electrolyte imbalance, particularly low levels of phosphate which has been linked to heart failure, muscle weakness, immune dysfunction, and ultimately, death. Those who develop anorexia before adulthood may suffer stunted growth and subsequent low levels of essential hormones (including sex hormones) and chronically increased cortisol levels. Osteoporosis can also develop as a result of anorexia in 38-50% of cases,[4] as poor nutrition lead to the retarded growth of essential bone structure and low bone mineral density.

Furthermore, changes in brain structure and function are early signs of the condition. Enlargement of the ventricles of the brain is thought to be associated with starvation, and is partially reversed when normal weight is maintained.[5] Anorexia is also linked to reduced blood flow in the temporal lobes, although as this finding does not correlate with current weight, it is possible that it is a risk trait, rather than an effect of starvation.[6]

The most commonly used criteria for diagnosing anorexia are from the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) and the World Health Organization's International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD).

Although biological tests can aid the diagnosis of anorexia, the diagnosis is based on a combination of behaviour, reported beliefs and experiences, and physical characteristics of the patient. Anorexia is typically diagnosed by a clinical psychologist, psychiatrist or other suitably qualified clinician.

Refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and height (e.g., weight loss leading to maintenance of body weight less than 85% of that expected; or failure to make expected weight gain during period of growth, leading to body weight less than 85% of that expected).
Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat.
Disturbance in the way in which one's body weight or shape is experienced, undue influence of body weight or shape on self-evaluation, or denial of the seriousness of the current low body weight.
In postmenarcheal, premenopausal females (women who have had their first menstural period but have not yet gone through menopause), amenorrhea (the absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles).

Distorted body image
Poor insight
Self-evaluation largely, or even exclusively, in terms of their shape and weight
Pre-occupation or obsessive thoughts about food and weight
OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)

[edit] Emotional
Low self-esteem and self-efficacy
Clinical depression or chronically low mood
Intense fear about becoming overweight

[edit] Interpersonal and social
Poor or deteriorating school performance
Withdrawal from previous friendships and other peer-relationships
Deterioration in relationships with the family

[edit] Physiological
Endocrine disorder, leading to cessation of periods in girls (amenorrhoea)
Starvation symptoms, such as reduced metabolism, slow heart rate (bradycardia), hypotension, hypothermia and anemia.
Growth of lanugo hair over the body
Abnormalities of mineral and electrolyte levels in the body
Zinc deficiency
Often a reduction in white blood cell count
Reduced immune system function
Body mass index less than 17.5 in adults, or 85% of expected weight in children
Possibly with pallid complexion and sunken eyes
Creaking joints and bones
Collection of fluid in ankles during the day and around eyes during the night
Very dry/chapped lips due to malnutrition
Poor circulation, resulting in common attacks of 'pins and needles' and purple extremities
In cases of extreme weight loss, there can be nerve deterioration, leading to difficulty in moving the feet
headaches, due to malnutrition

[edit] Behavioural
Excessive exercise, food restriction
Secretive about eating or exercise behaviour

Family and twin studies have suggested that genetic factors contribute to about 50% of the variance for the development of an eating disorder[8] and that anorexia shares a genetic risk with clinical depression.[9] This evidence suggests that genes influencing both eating regulation, and personality and emotion, may be important contributing factors.

Several rodent models of anorexia have been developed which largely involve subjecting the animals to various environmental stressors or using gene knockout mice to test hypotheses about the effects of certain genes on related behaviour.[10] These models have suggested that the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis may be a contributory factor, although the models have been criticised as food is being limited by the experimenter and not the animal, and these models cannot take into account the complex cultural factors known to affect the development of anorexia nervosa.

There are strong correlation (but not proven causation) between the neurotransmitter serotonin and various psychological symptom such as mood, sleep, emesis (vomiting), sexuality and appetite. A recent review of the scientific literature has suggested that anorexia is linked to a disturbed serotonin system,[11] particularly to high levels at areas in the brain with the 5HT1A receptor - a system particularly linked to anxiety, mood and impulse control. Starvation has been hypothesised to be a response to these effects, as it is known to lower tryptophan and steroid hormone metabolism, which, in turn, might reduce serotonin levels at these critical sites and, hence, ward off anxiety. In contrast, studies of the 5HT2A serotonin receptor (linked to regulation of feeding, mood, and anxiety), suggest that serotonin activity is decreased at these sites. One difficulty with this work, however, is that it is sometimes difficult to separate cause and effect, in that these disturbances to brain neurochemistry may be as much the result of starvation, than continuously existing traits that might predispose someone to develop anorexia. There is evidence, however, that both personality characteristics (such as anxiety and perfectionism) and disturbances to the serotonin system are still apparent after patients have recovered from anorexia,[12] suggesting that these disturbances are likely to be causal risk factors.

Recent studies also suggest anorexia may be linked to an autoimmune response to melanocortin peptides which influence appetite and stress responses.[13]

Possible self-harm, substance abuse or suicide attempts

There has been a significant amount of work into psychological factors that suggests how biases in thinking and perception help maintain or contribute to the risk of developing anorexia.

Anorexic eating behaviour is thought to originate from feelings of fatness and unattractiveness[14] and is maintained by various cognitive biases that alter how the affected individual evaluates and thinks about their body, food and eating.

One of the most well-known findings is that people with anorexia tend to over-estimate the size or fatness of their own bodies. A recent review of research in this area suggests that this is not a perceptual problem, but one of how the perceptual information is evaluated by the affected person.[15] Recent research suggests people with anorexia may lack a type of overconfidence bias in which the majority of people feel themselves more attractive than others would rate them. In contrast, people with anorexia seem to more accurately judge their own attractiveness compared to unaffected people, meaning that they potentially lack this self-esteem boosting bias.[16]

People with anorexia have been found to have certain personality traits that are thought to predispose them to develop eating disorders. High levels of obsessionality (being subject to intrusive thoughts about food and weight-related issues), restraint (being able to fight temptation), and clinical levels of perfectionism (the pathological pursuit of personal high-standards and the need for control) have been cited as commonly reported factors in research studies.[17]

It is often the case that other psychological difficulties and mental illnesses exist alongside anorexia nervosa in the sufferer. Clinical depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, substance abuse and personality disorder are the most likely conditions to be comorbid with anorexia, and high-levels of anxiety and depression are likely to be present regardless of whether they fulfill diagnostic criteria for a specific syndrome.[18]

Other studies have suggested that there are some attention and memory biases that may maintain anorexia.[20] Attentional biases seem to focus particularly on body and body-shape related concepts, making them more salient for those affected by the condition, and some limited studies have found that those with anorexia may be more likely to recall related material than unrelated material.

Fairburn and colleagues psychological model of anorexiaAlthough there has been quite a lot of research into psychological factors, there are relatively few theories which attempt to explain the condition as a whole.

Fairburn and colleagues have created a 'transdiagnostic' model,[21] in which they aim to explain how anorexia, as well as related disorders such as bulimia nervosa and ED-NOS, are maintained. Their model is developed with psychological therapies, particularly cognitive behaviour therapy, in mind, and so suggests areas where clinicians could provide psychological treatment.

Their model is based on the idea that all major eating disorders (with the exception of obesity) share some core types of psychopathology which help maintain the eating disorder behaviour. This includes clinical perfectionism, chronic low self-esteem, mood intolerance (inability to cope appropriately with certain emotional states) and interpersonal difficulties

Now there's an indepth report on ED's...if anyone cares to argue about this article feel free to once again call ED's 'ridiculous...attention hogging...feel free to ridicule them and don't call this a real disease feel free to read this and look at this article...other facts..it's not just about not eating...it is so much more then that...




Aw, let's not bother poor little baby with problems outside his perfect widdle bubble! Here, have a beer, honey. Might I hail you a massage therapist and a fleet of servants? Cheer up, little fellow!




Aw, self-entitled white men with perfect lives are just the cutest!


You are most certaintly correct orangesodacrush...in Mathews world and the other guys world theirs is perfect: In their world women flock to them and men are all coldness spinless idiots...in their world they are looked upon as gods...served and bowed down too...in their world no one cares about issues except their own...suffering such as abuse; disease; drugs; homelessness; and other issues are laughed at; spit upon; ridiculed; etc...in their world being a cold, heartless ba*tard is smiled upon...caring is not...in their world caring about yourself and only yourself is the best thing you can do...why bother with sick, suffering people...they don't affect their world...only their issues that affect their world... why bother with things that could eventually affect them? It would ruin their perfect careless little world...well Mathew and sonimhard...continue with your perfect little world with your servants and your conservative cloning ways...cause one day karma will hit you in the butt hard...



Ah, it's hard being a silly flibbertigibbet with things to worry about like emotions and feelings and whatnot, isn't it? I sure do find it hard to deal with! Oh, if only I could exist as a cheerful, white, male autonomous unit, with no need to interact with others! I too could ride around in my giant SUV and run over small children and dogs while thinking only of steak and blowjobs! It sure would be easy... but it would be fruitless, cold, and ultimately the loneliest and most unrewarding existence I could imagine, and I wouldn't wish that sort of hopelessness on anyone. For all of my failings and hurts, I have learned what it is to rise against those challenges and still find a happy life. I imagine charmed fellows like Matthew and sonimhard, once finding themselves in a the grips of a true problem, will sink like stones in the marsh. I can only hope, in that case, that someone will be willing to help them out.



Honey, I suggest you take your own advice on growing up.

And if messageboards are a complete disconnect from real-life and reality for you... then I do wonder what you're like in real life.

Ta-ta, it's been fun. I have a "real life" to return to... in which I maintain the same integrity and sense of humour as I do online.



I'm not disappointed, I fully expected you to have the totally tip-top life that comes with being so self-assured. I'm glad you have friends and family for support - be sure to tell them all of your feelings about girls with eating disorders, you'll find nothing but a chorus of agreement, I'm certain!

Goodnight, anonymous, happy white male. May you never know a psychological disorder and your family be untouched by the abuse that so often foreshadows any kind of eating disorder.

P.S.: I am curious to know what you define as a real problem - no, seriously, I am curious. I'll check in the morning to see what you think.




Mathews...sonimhard...what do you look as an issue? If it isn't ED; abuse; drug use; etc...what do you look as an issue? What affects you're perfect little carefree world? And no...ED victims or ED sympathizers are not bitter people...they are REAL people with REAL issues..unlike you two..WHY DOES SOMEONE HAVING AN EATING DISORDER AFFECT YOU GUYS SO MUCH? WHY DOES IT MAKE YOU ANGRY? Why do you need to bash people who obviously have depression issues...DEPRESSION IS A PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL IMBALANCE IN THE BRAIN...IT IS A REAL ISSUE THAT NEEDS TO BE TREATED BY MEDICATION...IT IS A REAL DISEASE...OBVIOUSLY NONE OF THIS WILL MAKE YOU CHANGE YOUR GUYS MIND BUT YOU TWO ARE COLD HEART...CARELESS..CONFORMING BOZOS WHO NEED TO BASH PEOPLE ON HERE FOR YOUR JOLLIES...I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT! THERE IS TOO MUCH HATE IN THIS WORLD FOR YOU TWO TO ADD TO IT


beatlesfan, just hit the "ignore user" button. it works wonders.

one of my favorite radio talk show hosts used to have a saying: you can't fix stupid. that applies here. no amount of arguing or typing in all caps will change the way these morons think about the subject. so stop trying. instead, focus your energies on something that will help. or at least focus on being happy yourself.

again, ignore. just do it.


Yes! It DOES work wonders! I've had these mo'fo's on ignore and wow, let's just say the ignore button is a beautiful thing!!!

beatlesfan did you get my PM? Yeah like greeneco78 says...just put them on ignore...then you won't have to see what these a--holes write! The more people that put these d!ck heads on ignore, the more bored and unsatisfied they will become...because they WANT us to respond to them, to get angry and defensive...that's what gets them off...but if we all ignore them then MAYBE, just maybe they will go away! And even if they don't, then we won't be able to see what they say and then everyone will be happier! =)


Peace & Love,


*~*MoOdY JeNnY*~*


I put them on ignore myself. I hope one day insensitive clods like those two get the hint that having emotions and sensitivity is not a wimpy thing. We're all gonna join in and get these guys on ignore permanently. Oh thanks Jen for the PM...hopefully you're suggestion works


We're all gonna join in and get these guys on ignore permanently.

Yep! That's the main gist of my plan! So spread the word on these losers!

Oh thanks Jen for the PM...hopefully you're suggestion works

No problem! If we all work together we can get these idiots the f-ck out of here and back under the rocks from which they came!


Peace & Love,


*~*MoOdY JeNnY*~*





No, my dear...

Not simply because he doesn't agree with everyone's views, because he's a vile, insensitive, ignorant, pathetic little troll who gets off on unfairly judging and ridiculing women with eating disorders when he KNOWS nothing about eating disorders in the first place!

And it's not MY views...he's upset a lot more people far worse than me.

I don't give a rat's ass whether or not he agrees with us here or not it's the way he is representing himself and articulating his words in a hateful manner!

He is purposefully trying to upset the members of this board which is why he is being put on ignore.

And also, making light or fun of eating disorders, clearly personifying a strong resentful attitude towards women with eating disorders, (Which he can think what he wants too. But actually coming to a message board, where a lot of the posters on here I'm sure do or have suffered from eating disorders themselves to mock, taunt, ridicule and harrass them is just plain sick...)

So yes, Mathews is an idiot who needs to go back under his rock.

*~*MoOdY JeNnY*~*



Jenny, you should have started off with "no ma'am". I'm not your dear.

"And it's not MY views...he's upset a lot more people far worse than me."
--- maybe so, but you were the one who made the "idiot/go back under a rock" statement, which prompted my question to you.

It's called sarcasm, DEAR. What does it matter to you what I'm saying towards Mathews? Are you his trophy wife or something coming here to defend him?

"So yes, Mathews is an idiot who needs to go back under his rock."
--- once again, why? He simply has a different opinion than you. Maybe you're the idiot and you need to go find your rock? After all, your opinion is different than his ... (please don't get all huffy, I'm not that serious)...I just think you're being a little harsh on the guy's thoughts.

Why? You want to know WHY? You have the nerve to tell me I'm being a little harsh about this guys thoughts and opinions...Have you READ the terrible things he's been saying on here!? All just to get a good, cheap laugh and to get all of the people here riled up...

Actually, I understand we have a difference of opinion. But he's just being a JERK, making unfair, degrading and humiliating comments to women with eating disorders. It's very offending. Especially since most of the people here have suffered or known someone who has suffered from an eating disorder.

But I hate playing post tag...and I know that you are never going to let up on this, so welcome to my ignore list.

*~*MoOdY JeNnY*~*



And here we have another person on here who..well..guess what I bet this girls part of his tribe of carefree, careless, suburban, SUV-van driving people who thinks the simple cure for an eating disorder is to TOUGHEN UP! or shove food down their throats...or any other suggestions one has made on here. I wish you people would wake up and realize that there is more to eating disorders then to shove food down their throat...or force feed them...or yell at them...or anything else. It is a disease of distorted body image and chemical imbalances that need real medication and real treatment! Unless you start suffering from depression or things like that then don't jump to conclusions...there is more to eating disorder then the underlying issue of them not eating...I should know...I suffered from anorexia, depression and I was a cutter...and don't dare jump to calling me weak cause I am not...I am well...a survivor and to blantaly call an ED victim a wimp or any other cruel name shows the true colors of yourself: You yourself are weak and need to pick on others to feel tough! That's my story and I'm *beep* sticking to it!







Well there wouldn't be flaming if someone who shall not be named hadn't come on here and started degrading ED victims and the disorder itself...that's why there are flaming...people defend themselves like that only because the people who do have the disorder are being jumped at like they're circus freaks which we're not...it's called depression...a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes a person to act different...that's all it is..and it can lead to ED; cutting; alcoholism; drug abuse; only because people who suffer from depression want to FEEL something...when you have depression you don't feel anything except a numb feeling...and to feel something you turn to other things that aren't healthy...that's all that caused the flames...complete and utter disrespect for the people who are sick and need real help...I just wish it would stop



No..what I meant by that is the constant arguing and the things like on here...this isn't high school or grade school...this is a message board and we're supposed to discuss things like civilized human beings instead of calling names (yes...guilty I am I know but I just have to vent) or putting people down or anything else of a negative nature...there's too much negativity in the world to keep it up on here...why should we act like grade school children when this is meant to be a discussion board



Bullcrap analogy, first of all. no one chooses to have cancer of the-say, leukemia variety. Something absolutely non-negotiabley out of the diseased's control.
Eating disorders? Every f-ing day you CHOOSE to starve. To throw up. again. and again. and again. and to go to the supermarket and to buy or steal food, and to throw it up into the toilet. Ebveryday you choose to eat less than your basal metabolic rate.

Is recovery hard? Yes. It requires GETTING OVER YOURSELF and realising, indeed, you are NOT the center of the *beep* world, you are not the center of ANYONE's world except yourown. Ultimately each IS person choosing to *beep* with their weight as a (choose one or more) 1)plea for attention/help 2)attempt at thinness/vanity issue 3)issue of themselves and their abilities and talents and such, and how those things fit in the world 4)immaturity--simple illogical childish immaturity.
All those reasons, all these things are understandable to me. That doesn't take the blame off the eating disordered person.

I am, indeed at least somewhat educated on this subject (before you all chuck me in the category of some of the other posters here). I've had an eating disorder-I've weighed from 80 pounds to 180 lb at five foot six. I am in med school at present, having compoleted a degree already in biopsych and cognitive neuroscience.
It is so so so freaking enabling to say 'oh this girl has no choice poor lamb, I better take care of her forever, etc;/ And it it almost a chalenge to say "eat or die". Though it dfoes come down to that--when phrased as such it has a remarkable ability to set off the opositional instinct in so many of these patients.

Those with eating disorders tend to have both low self esteem and an amazing amount of grandiose delusions. Everyone thinks they are special. That they alone are the beareres of burdens. Or that they alone must uphold whatever standards (they) set---do you see the self obsession, the self aggrandizement? Its disgusting, and childish, it is the act of a baby refusing food in an attempt to do any of those cliche things everyone hears.

The vast majority of girls with eating disorders are awful to be around. Hysterical, self obsessed, yet caring for others--thriving on drama and hysterics while denying that behavior--its pathetic. Only whenn you realiose no one care saabout your goddam plight do you have a chance to get over it. No one else gives a *beep* what you weigh. You aren't that special--there are no special expectaations nor are you a disappointment. Another person like everyone else.

So many ridiculous ideas are bantied about---yes, it IS about vanity. and immaturity. and anger. and hatred. and depression. and proving yourself. its about everything else you couldn't


Ultimately each IS person choosing to *beep* with their weight as a (choose one or more) 1)plea for attention/help 2)attempt at thinness/vanity issue 3)issue of themselves and their abilities and talents and such, and how those things fit in the world 4)immaturity--simple illogical childish immaturity.
I am in med school at present, having compoleted a degree already in biopsych and cognitive neuroscience.
The vast majority of girls with eating disorders are awful to be around. Hysterical, self obsessed, yet caring for others--thriving on drama and hysterics while denying that behavior--its pathetic. Only whenn you realiose no one care saabout your goddam plight do you have a chance to get over it. No one else gives a *beep* what you weigh. You aren't that special--there are no special expectaations nor are you a disappointment.
I feel sorry for any patients you have if you indeed did complete medical school. Being a doctor, therapist, nurse, counselor, etc (anyone in the medical field) requires a certain amount of compassion, which is something you don't sound as if you have.

if you're bitter still, ask Him to help you carry on ~ Blue October


Do you really think those people who have eating disorders CHOSE to be anorexic or bulimic *pardon the spelling if that is wrong?*


Well, they DO choose to either eat or not eat. And they do choose whether to purge themselves or not. Unlike carcinogenic tumors which are not really reliant on a person's individual choices (smokers excepted).

I've no desire to be brutal, but it's not hard to see why a large portion of the population is hesitant to extend their sympathy to anorexics and bullimics.


Well, they DO choose to either eat or not eat. And they do choose whether to purge themselves or not. Unlike carcinogenic tumors which are not really reliant on a person's individual choices (smokers excepted).

I've no desire to be brutal, but it's not hard to see why a large portion of the population is hesitant to extend their sympathy to anorexics and bullimics.
I agree with you to an extent, in a lot of situations it starts out as a choice (likely for vanity) but morphs into a vicious cycle. For others though, it's not about a desire to look good but rather a fear of food or a way of control. In any case, I have some sympathy because it all stems from the mind.

Satan is clearly trying to confuse us, just like when he put those dinosaur bones in the ground.



in a lot of situations it starts out as a choice (likely for vanity) but morphs into a vicious cycle. For others though, it's not about a desire to look good but rather a fear of food or a way of control.
^^^This^^^ No one wakes up one day and decides to have an eating disorder. No one wakes up one day and decides to become a hardcore addict. In both cases for me, it started very gradual and spiraled out of control. It's like try to stay alive in quicksand - the harder I tried digging myself out, the worse it became.

Until someone hits their bottom and the underlying reasons are addressed and treated, both EDs and addictions are difficult to overcome and stay recovered. And until someone has been down either of those roads, they can't completely understand it.

if you're bitter still, ask Him to help you carry on ~ Blue October


I don`t believe that you would say something as ignorant as that, you sick *beep* I hope that one day you become so paranoid about food that you develop an eating disorder. You have no idea what it`s like to have an eating disorder, and you have no right to write these people *beep* off you cold hearted son of a bitch.


They are just Trolls just put them in ignore! Just a couple geek boys taking a break from playing War Craft, to ammuse themselves by starting arguments on this board.

"What are you laughing at?
If you say Jimmy Fallon, I'll know you're lying!"


I haven't seen this movie/documentary thing yet, but I'm just wondering if it might be ok to show to my girlfriend, who is bulimic and has been for 4 years. In the past two months, I have gotten her to go to an eating disorder therapist and group meeting 3 times a week and she has drastically improved. In high school I was anorexic, but got over it once I was out and was depressed for the next 2 years, but I got past it somehow. Anyways, I think watching her get better is one of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with emotionally, and I can't imagine how hard it is for her. It's just hard to watch someone break down because they ate a little bit of salad and they think it's too much, when it is barely anything. But she is improving a ton and I know not a lot of these women have support from a significant other, so I feel really bad. Anyways, might this be a film to watch with my girlfriend? She has watched other videos, I just don't want this one to have a bad effect.



Man you are the biggest a$$hole I've never met.


homeskillet, i'd say you should watch it by yourself first. it's very intense, and it might not be the best couple activity. but watch it, and use your best judgment.


Homeskillet, I think it might be a good one to watch. Personally I've been fighting bulemia for the last 16 years. My husband knows of my struggles, I don't keep anything from him. Watching this together, well, it was shocking. Even though I could practically write the book.... to see other people dealing, barfing, freaking out over a 'double chin' that just in no was exists, freaking out over all the aspects of body dysmorphic disorder- the film offered a striking perspective. You're wonderful to be so supportive, great job in the last couple of months, that is real headway for her.

Anyway, I won't be coming back here. I rarely do. But after skimming thru the posts, the things the CLUELESS a$$holes have posted are just too painful to deal with. I won't be subjecting myself to some bully's babble about how I should just 'stop barfing and get a life'. OH yeah cause it's that easy. Depression and ED's go hand in hand. Being happy is a choice, going into recovery is a choice, but making that choice and following thru, steadily, is unusually, ridiculously difficult. Esp when your neurotransmitters are all effed up.

Keep up the good work, Homeskillet! :)


Okay, thanks for the input. I will watch it first just to check it out. I just won't push it on her if she doesn't want to watch it. She's doing a lot better everday and I'm so glad :). Took me a year to get her to go out with me cause she was insecure from the bulimia, but I'm happy to be with her and happy to help her get better.

As for the ass holes on the board, I just put them on ignore because they have no merit to say anything :)


homeskillet: excellent. i've been an advocate of that ignore button. it works wonders!

good luck with the movie and the recovery. as a follow-up to the movie, which will probably leave you feeling very empty and depressed, check out the message boards on HBO's website and lauren greenfield's site as well. she's the photographer and woman behind Thin. some of the documentary participants have posted several times, reporting on their current conditions, life experiences, etc.


My God, this is the internet. I don't care how insensitive you think someone is, but you obviously can't change their opinion. He has the right to say what he thinks, you havethe right to say what you think, but this is getting silly.

MY opinion... I know many girls who are (or claim to be) eating disordered and have found that both sides of this argument are somewhat right. There are the actual pyschological disorders and then there are the trends.

The trend is basically little girls desperate for attention who consider skipping dessert to be devastating and a reason for people to feel sorry for them. The trend is for people who think they must be soooo anorexic because they only had half of a cheeseburger.

Then, there are the actual disorders. I personally would not call E.D's a desease, because you do at a point have a choice. Nothing can make you decide suddenly not to eat one day, you make that choice yourself. Up to a point, you can choose to eat or not, to throw up or not. But then, you get so deep into it that you cannot control it. With bulimia, it actually gets to a point where you physically cannot keep food down. It gets to a point where you don't care about anything but your weight. You would rather die than eat. You get so depressed because you know you're hurting yourself and everyone around you, but you can't stop.
All you want is to be thin, thinner, thinnest. And you don't care if it takes dying to get there.

I think that "Thin" just barely began to show what it's like to suffer through an eating disorder.


<FYI…drunks, junkies, and people with eating disorders never, ever "skate through life". They SUFFER A LOT.>

Maybe it's the suffering that makes them finally desperate enough to recover; it's the body's way of saying that something has to change.
You can imagine the devastation caused by an alcoholic parent, spouse or child: broken promises, poisonous guilt, lost jobs, affairs, trouble with the law, anger and more anger, everything in chaos all the time. The alcoholic makes sincere promises never to drink again, and sometimes he can keep that promise for a long time, but one day he relapses and becomes full of remorse and despair. At some point everyone who does sincerely start into recovery have to realize that he's at what is for HIM, the end of the line; next stop: jail, institutions and death. He realizes that he can't imagine life with drinking or without it. In AA they call that "hitting bottom," and they say that recovery attempts will not work unless the sick person has truly hit THEIR bottom. Though they also say "the elevator only does down, but you can get off at any floor."

LOL, and I thought I intended to talk about the Ignore button. It is a wonderful way to enhance your imdb experience. The people who get up your nose get to say what they want to say, but you don't have to look at it. And you get to say what you want to say. There is absolutely NO reason that you would have to justify to ANYONE your use of the Ignore feature. It doesn't matter who's wrong or right; some people just don't get along. It is your sovereign right to use it as liberally as you please. Life is too short for needless aggravation.

But back to EDs. I was wondering if there are private support groups for people who are healthy enough to be out of the hospital, but who really need to talk to other people who've been there. I would have to believe that such groups exist. I don't know; my coffee-drinking group in real life helps me take life a little easier. It might be a good thing for some people who have similar problems with issues around eating and their bodies. God knows it's cheaper than therapy :)

God save Donald Duck, vaudeville and variety
