MovieChat Forums > Thin (2006) Discussion > Yall are so disgusting!

Yall are so disgusting!

Not the girls on the show. The stupid ignorant people talking about how this was girls grabbing for attention and being vain, so they can't have sympathy for them. Get your head out of your butts for one second and realize that these women have an illness! Yall make me so mad, I had to get an account right then and post this. This is a real illness, and yall are talking about third-world countries and how its so horrible that they are only focusing on themselves and being so vain and manipulative. Well, what the hell do you think an illness is? They lie because they are ashamed of the truth. They are vain because their mind tells them that beauty is only skin deep. Once they hit 100 pounds though, it doesn't stop. They can't help it. Did yall not listen to that women tell her story about being at Thanksgiving and not being able to enjoy the same meal as everyone else? Did you not hear them try to express their concerns for Brittany because she was so young and has to deal with this? And Yes, it's sad that there are starving little children out there who would love to eat the food these women throw away, but they can't help that. They are sick. I bet these women would give anything not to be like they are. I know I would. I am anorexic too and what yall said about people who are in the same boat as me offends me to no end. You should be ashamed!


Are you doing anything about your own illness? If not, why not? It's total BS to say you can't do anything about your anorexia. Maybe you can't do it alone, but there IS help. You can stay in your familiar sickness or you can get help.

If you are sick, your problem is NOT other people's biases, prejudices or errors. In the end, it's you who will determine what happens to you, and nobody else.

If you ARE doing something other than complaining about how terribly misunderstood you are (as if other people's "understanding" would somehow make you healthier), you should really not sweat the small stuff. Your survival and recovery should be your priority.

The elevator only goes down, but you can get off at any time.

Was you ever bit by a dead bee?


I am doing something about it. I'm seeing a doctor both MD and psychiatrist. What I meant by anorexics can't help it is they didn't choose this disease. It's really hard to deal with and all I wanted to convey was my anger about people stereotyping these women as vain and selfish. They aren't. I'm not. We're just sick. But many people have problems. Some are depressed, some are gamblers or alcoholics. It's unfair to say these cruel things when everyone deals with something.


Okay, first off. I do hope that you, and everyone else with an eating disorder gets help, you all deserve to get healthy and live a normal life. But, I disagree with 'anorexics cant help it as they didnt choose the disease' .. this isnt Cancer, or AIDS or any other disease that people get unwillingly. If you have an eating disorder, you did choose it.. you DID choose to stop eating, you DID choose to throw up after you eat, you DID choose to compulsively over eat, etc. So yes, at the end of the day, everyone with an eating disorder did choose to bring it upon themselves.



You obviously have no concept of eating disorders, addiction, or mental illness. I really hope no one in your life is personally effected by those things because your ignorance will be of no help to them. Please at least read up on something before you start talking about it.



Interesting point. However, most addicts, albeit miserable, are very afraid of change. They'd much rather stay where they are than change.

You're right in saying "it's you who will determine what happens to you"


Okay I didn't even read all of the replies, because people are so ignorant it's not even worth reading. *I* have an eating disorder. When they hospitalized me 4 years ago, I couldn't even walk. Me heart would've stopped beating if I got out of bed. I know it's hard to understand that we have no control over our own minds, but we really don't. It's like someone is inside you, forcing you to do things, stopping you from doing other things. And I never really got to know if I *was* chubby, or if people around me were all lying to make me feel better about myself, but I never saw myself as "thin". Even when doctors considered me as "too skinny". The treatment didn't help. As soon as I got out, it started again. They make you gain weight in there, so as soon as you get out and notice how much you've gained, it drives you crazy and you HAVE to lose this weight back. And really, if it takes dying to get there, so be it. Something I didn't know at the time, my mother has an eating disorder too. She's had to deal with this her whole life. So it might be genetic. I got better since, and I try to eat healthy. But sometimes I go on these diets where I eat nothing at all and drink lots of water. I haven't thrown up in about 5 months now. But I have to fight this urge *EVERY* *SINGLE* *TIME* I eat something. No matter how small the meal, I have to fight the urge. There is not one single day where I can eat something and just feel normal. Other people eat and it's the most natural thing in the world. But to me, I feel bad everytime I eat. I feel disgusting. I'm going to be battling this my whole life. People really have no idea how hard it is to deal with such a disorder. It's not that I don't care about children dying of hunger, or other illnesses. I'd give them food if I could. I care very deeply about others. It's not that we are selfish or superficial or manipulative, we can't help this crazy little voice inside our head telling us how ugly we are, how disgusting we are, how fat we are, how pathetic we are.
And I'm not complaining here, I'm just trying to explain what it's like for us.
Don't ever judge a book by its cover.


However, most addicts, albeit miserable, are very afraid of change. They'd much rather stay where they are than change.
Yes, addicts are afraid of change, but they do not choose to become addicts. Same applies to those with EDs. Until you have been down the road of addiction and completely understand how easily it can sneak up on you and spiral out of control, you probably should not make comments like that.

Addiction and EDs go hand in hand. They are somewhat similar to each other. Once a person gets so deep into their addiction or ED, it's much like trying to get out of quicksand. Both addiction and EDs are many times a symptom of a much larger issue, particularly mental illness or a traumatic experience.

Until someone with addiction or ED (or both) hits their bottom (whatever their bottom might be), they are unable to think clearly. They are unable to realize that their life is worth recovery or that there is life after recovery. They are unable to cope with the underlying condition that is causing them to starve themselves or ingest harmful drugs into their body or binge/purge until they're dehydrated, faint, and weak.

if you're bitter still, ask Him to help you carry on ~ Blue October


I totally agree with the first post.

Whenever I sit down to eat I'm filled with this overwhelming totally irrational fear which is impossible to explain to anyone else. Food isn't just food, when you have an eating disorder it has all these moral and ethical labels. It gets so complicated. You can't eat anything.

When I started treatment I cried after everything I ate. I was so so so scared the whole time. I was so upset. Upset that I couldn't just be normal and sit down and eat normally like all my friends. I was jealous of everyone who could eat normally. I wished so hard that I could just eat and it not be a big deal. I still don't understand it - I don't understand why I can't just fricking eat!!!

But I can't.

It's not that simple, there's something stopping you, this overwhelming fear.

Have you ever seen someone bungee jumping? And been scared, but jealous that it wasn't a big deal to them. Imagine that everyone else in the world bungee jumps. But you're just too scared. They all try to reassure you but it's still scary. Some of them laugh, some of them think you're ridiculous, that you're just doing it for attention.

Whilst inside you're breaking apart, scared, isolated, alone.

It's an illness. Like Cancer. Yes cancer can, to some extent, be caused by environment, but a lot of it is not. I didn't ask for this. I pray every day that it will go away.


Lacey .. I forget who that poster was on this forum, the one bashing girls affected by ED.

I am reading some of the posts by these misinformed, ignorant people throwin in their two cents about Eating Disorders, and it just makes me so angry, and at the same time a feeling of sadness overwhelms me.

My child is a beautiful, bright 11 year-old girl, and whoever calls these talented, gifted, brilliant girls "brats" on here, please beware of your cheap hurtful words and misjudgment. It is not fair!
One never knows: your child or your loved one can perhaps die of an illness some day, and you will remember your words. You are NOT invincible to anything. Just remember this. and shame on you for offending people this way.

Whoever that poster is ===> may God forgive you. because I doubt you know what you are saying.


I find it pretty crazy, personally, how many people call THIS behavior disgusting, yet regularly get *beep* drunk with their friends, smoke so much pot they stink like a hookah joint, snort coke, etc.
Everyone has an addiction, y'all. Most people's addictions are far more harmful to others than eating disorder behaviors are, except the individuals involved do not realize what harm they are doing, or else do not care.
Eating disorders afflict womyn, primarily, hence of COURSE this particular disorder is labeled "disgusting." Most objectionable acts primarily perpetrated by womyn are manufactured in order to deal with the sexual assaults, physical abuse, media influences perpetrayed primarily by MEN/male-owned companies.
Men, on the other hand, have much greater statistical chances of driving drunk, abusing pills then "smacking their wives around," raping their kids, etc.
All this to cope with the world they themselves created-with the power they stole from womyn!
Do not tell me again who the truly disgusting people are, here in this world.
Cuz the truth is? I ALREADY KNOW.
