Am I the only one disgusted by Shelly?
I didn't read through all the pages of posts, just a couple and not once did I read about Shelly. I thought she was VERY manipulative. I also could sense attention seeker written alllllover her. For one thing, the pills. Saying they were Polly's well, that's just either you thought it was right or you didn't, but nobody looked at the fact that Shelly asked for them. And telling about the tattoo? i'd like to know what purpose that served other than to get Polly in trouble. It was irrelevent. Getting a tattoo isn't going to hinder recovery, what do they think she'll shover her stomach through the wound? I mean come on! Also the ciggarette thing. I think the 2 other girls only admited to it to get Polly in trouble again. I noticed a lot of that. Yea Polly lied about it, but who wouldn't? I absolutely could not stand Shelly. I did not get even an ounce of 'real-ness' from her. And I really hated that they put her on the cover. There's more things, but I feel I've gone on long enough, she doesn't deserve the attention she's already gotten.