That place looked awful
I'm a guy and don't have any ED issues, and I know the camera doesn't catch everything. Editing can also skew perspectives, etc., but that facility looked so depressing. I have nothing but compassion for the patients in the movie, and I hope the best for them, but some of the staff at the facility look like people with bitter-- even vile sometimes-- personalities. Some employees appear oddly detached (especially since a camera was on them). But, I can tell there were a lot of people there who truly seemed to care a great deal, and we're really trying. I can't help but think they were feeling overwhelmed.
In retrospect, the whole facility reeked of slight neglect and depression. It's about what I'd expect a minimum security women's prison to look like. Polly and others having to push out their own belonging in a steel cage to a taxi a 100 yards away? I know facilities like this aren't cheap by any stretch of he imagination-- so there's no excuse for the sad atmosphere, lacking attitudes and rundown facilities. (A private telephone booth might be a worthy investment.)
One example really stands out. It's when the staff use the smoking situation to divide and chastise the girls. Looking at that disgusting fan in the bathroom you can tell people have been smoking through that vent for literally years. If smoking is really as issue, then maybe the staff could actually do something about it (like, uh, install a tamper proof smoke detector?) instead of using it like a lazy parent to advance whatever adgenda they have on their mind at the time.
In such a vulnerable population it's incredibly saddening not to see see girls given the proper support, environment and encouragement they need. I hope there wasn't just 1 counselor. Wow.
And honestly- this is pure speculation on my part- but I don't think hiring obese (often morbidly obese) staff helps the patients. These girls already have a psychologically distorted view of what a normal body looks like, so I can only imagine these patients quietly hardening their resolve to "not be fat" when they are constantly in the presence of people who *actually are fat* and who who *actually have* let their weight go. WTF?
If this place is still in business, I hope it's completely changed. So many beautiful girls in this film with such sweet personalities deep down-- and they just don't have the psychological tools to see themselves properly. They deserve a much better experience.