I think everyone has a deep dark secret like this. Maybe not as 'strange' as "blowing a dog" but everyone has them. I don't know why she was so conflicted about having to tell her secret. Everyone is entitled to secrets. It's almost healthy in a way.
[the Professor's dying words] The Professor: Look at this. Look at what they make you give.
Yea everyone has a secret they would never want getting out. Reminds me of that moron who called into a radio station. And then admitted that she killed someone and they ruled it a suicide.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.
It is abuse! What the hell is wrong with you? The dog can't consent. It's sick and twisted and wrong. Anyone who tries to justify it, is messed up and in all likelihood, also a pedophile.
Abuse would be beating, starving or keeping it on a 2' rope 24 hours a day. Perhaps leaving it out in inclement weather.
"The dog can't consent."
Consent? Really? I love when stupid people say completely moronic things. Actually the dog can consent. If he really was "upset", "uncomfortable" or "unwilling" he'd have bitten her. I'm not saying he enjoyed it (though in the movie it was directed that he did), but when an animal doesn't want something done (ever watched a dog or cat about to get a shot) they make their feelings widely known.
"It's sick and twisted and wrong."
It's bizarre and wrong. But, she did it once, so it's not bestiality or abuse. I'm sure the dog didn't need therapy afterwards.
"Anyone who tries to justify it, is messed up and in all likelihood, also a pedophile."
If anyone is messed up it's you. Just so you know, a pedophile is someone who sexually abuses children, not our four legged furry friends. Having sexual relations with animals (other then humans) is called bestiality.
When I first saw this movie, I couldn't understand what the big deal was about telling her boyfriend. I found it to be kind of a stupid premise for a movie. Then I read the posts at this board and couldn't believe how many "Perfect" people there are in this world.
She didn't kill anyone. She didn't have sex with a child (you know, pedophilia). She didn't hook her friends on drugs. She didn't screw her boyfriend's brother, father or mother. She didn't pursue incestuous relations. Those are things that are WRONG and unforgivable. Those are things that send humans to shrinks, and other means of numbing the pain.
What she did is nothing. A stupid college moment. It didn't hurt her or the dog.
You should learn the difference between right and wrong. Because it's not always black and white. There are always circumstances.
Couldn't agree more. As the film points out, she made a mistake and had to find a way of living with it. But she didn't intentionally hurt anyone, including the dog. It was pure curiosity at an age when everyone thinks, what if? Sometimes people do things without thinking it through, especially when you are young.