Very difficult subject, but after watching the opening scene...
... I can say it wasn't really that bad! I mean, she even said herself she's not into bestiality, that she was just bored and regrets it terribly much! (Who *beep* wouldn't?) If I was John, I would have gotten sick at the very thought, but I would've probably tried being more understanding, even though it'd be hard. But I wouldn't tell anyone of course, that would just be cruel!
I didn't want to watch the movie at all, so I just looked at the opening scene to see if it was as bad as people made it out to be (which it wasn't at all) and fast-forwarded to John's reaction. Man, what an *beep*
Don't take me wrong, bestiality is terrible and should be absolutely illegal, just that what she did, while very sick, was just pure stupid curiosity and not something like "Damn, my dog looks sexy, maybe I should *beep* it?"