Thoughts on 'Spiral'!
I just watched this movie tonight, and I thought I'd offer a few observations for consideration.
It was an interesting movie, but moved so slowly that it was marginally boring.
Good performances by all, especially Amber Tambyln.
Anything is possible, but I never believed a girl as beautiful as Amber Tamblyn would be attracted to a skinny, homely guy like Joel Moore. Certainly a good actor doesn't have to be good looking, I'm reminded of Richard Kiel and Rondo Hatton, but these are not the guys that you cast opposite beautiful girls.
Mason was too weird to be believable. If I ever met anyone like Mason, I'd be on the phone to the police five minutes later. I'd tell them the guy was a psycho, and they should check him out.
Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference. - Mark Twain.