Why would people not like this movie?
Why would people not like this movie? Maybe b/c it is crap.
Wow, what a twist ending. He didn't really kill the girl; oh wait, two minutes later we find out he really did--and we (I) expected that he killed the girl the entire movie...Turns out we were right.
No weirdo like Mason would actually be friends with "normal" people. I'm a dork, too, but people don't just come up to weirdos and push conversation on people who don't conversate in return (unless they are trying to make fun of that person or are treating that person as a charity case--which Amber never really intended to do to Mason). The whole romance was forced and unrealistic. Sure, Mason might have done romantic things, but his weirdness would've never let him get that far with a real woman.
His awkwardness aggravated me during the entire movie. Why was Berkeley friends with him? Even if they were friends from childhood, Berkeley seemed too much of a jerk to continue the friendship...This actually made Berkelely interesting to me (his jerk-ness vs. his compassion), but I wish they would've explained it more than they did. And if Berkeley knew/thought Mason was inventing the women in his sketchbooks, why would he give him a new sketchbook and then later be surprised that Mason was prolonging his "fantasies" and chastize him for making up a new woman?