One thing I don't get is how he escaped. He's shown on a bus to somewhere, but at this point his boss/friend knows he's prob guilty, and there is also a shrink that had been called in.
**Skin that Smokewagon and see what happens!** Tombstone
Did you watch a different film? At the end we find out that not only was Amber real, but that his friend realizes he really did murder her. Paying attention helps.
**Skin that Smokewagon and see what happens!** Tombstone
They never said Amber was fired. The guy from upstairs CLEARLY says she was MISSING. This just after Mason confessed to killing her to his boss. They then show his boss in major anguish realizing that Mason had skipped out (empty chair). Right before he finds out Amber was real, he had called a shrink, so someone had been alerted.
This isn't a matter of 'belief', this is what happens. We didn't see any blood, body, or police storming the apartment because they never went that far. They just show him on a bus going off to somewhere.
**Skin that Smokewagon and see what happens!** Tombstone
Well I only watched it once. I remember it going that the guy from upstairs coming down saying one of his employees named AMBER had gone missing. This happens right after Psycho Boy confesses to murdering her and Psycho Boy's boss telling him she and all the girls were in his mind and never existed.Psycho Boy Boss calls psychyatrist, meaning someone has been alerted. Cue upstairs boss and Psycho Boy Boss finding out Amber WAS a real person. I'll concede for sake of argument that you are speaking true and she had been fired.
Prob is we still have a missing girl, a guy with a ton of blood that Psycho Boy 's Boss now is CLEARLY shown to realize that Psycho Boy really Amber's killer. Certainly you didn't miss all that angst.
So what are we left with? A man who knows his friend is really a murderer, a psychyatrist on the way. An empty seat indicating Psycho Boy has fled.
It doesn't matter if I was mistaken and didn't catch that the upstairs guy saying she had been fired. I seem to remember him saying she hadn't shown up for work for a few days. Regardless, we still have a missing REAL girl, and a confession, and a shrink who will logically call the police, who will then go to Psycho Boys apartment, most likely find some trace evidence (I took the focus on the water to mean he dumped her there), because since he's full of blood he obviously didn't have time to clean all evidence from the apartment.
We are only shown up to the Psycho Boy Boss having angst. Then they cut to the bus.
That brings us full circle back to the questions: How did he escape when there would prob have been an APB, OR: Did his friend not tell the police about the confession? Psycho Boy isnt too quick on his feet, so him slipping away in broad daylight when he stands out as an odd looking individual doesn't seem likely. Also he had a change of clothes on the bus, so he must have gone back home, making it almost certain they'd round him up.
So after all that, I guess the only thing we can assume is that the friend/boss covered up for him.
Now if you missed the part where in one post you claim Amber was never real, and then tell me I missed dialogue confirming she WAS real, then I can't help you ;) .
**Skin that Smokewagon and see what happens!** Tombstone
I just watched it and there is no mention of her ever being fired.
If you're referring to the scene where she's crying on the bench outside, she never says she was fired in that scene. She's crying because her supervisor said she was a bad salesperson, and she spit in her coffee for revenge. She's crying because of what her supervisor said and the tone she said it in, and she's disappointed in herself at her childish reaction to her supervisor.
This is the dialogue from that scene explaining why she's crying:
"My supervisor says I'm not cut out for sales. Isn't that great? I've been here under a week and already she's giving me that 'you're not right for this job' talk. So I'm not the milk man, 6 sales a day.. I'm still learning. I spit in her drink. Her coffee. I spit in it. It was really immature but it was just sitting there, and I was just... you know I really want to be good at this, I really do, but it's just not fair for her to treat somebody that way. So what do I do, I go and act like a teenager and do something really stupid. And now I feel like, I feel like this."
"She probably deserved it."
And this is the dialogue from the end:
"Actually, that's why I came down here. One of my girls didn't show up for her shift this morning, got her mom calling up looking for her."
"Her mom?"
"I guess she didn't.. come home last night. Like we're their damn babysitters. Anyway, I'm sure this is the last conversation you want to have right now, but I've seen your severely troubled friend talking to Amber a few times... thought maybe you'd ask him if he's seen her."
"What did you just say?"
So from this conversation we know 3 things:
1) Amber still worked there. The manager said "One of my girls didn't show up for her shift this morning." If she was fired, she clearly wouldn't have a shift, and wouldn't be expected to be there.
2) Amber didn't go home last night. She apparently lives with her mother, her mother knew nothing about her being fired (since she called her office) and she is now missing.
3) The manager saw Mason talking to Amber.
So Amber did exist, she did talk to Mason, she disappeared the night that Mason believes he killed her, and she didn't show up to her job that she still had the next morning.
The answer to the question of how Mason "escaped" is correct, though. He just walked out. Berkeley thought Mason had another one of his delusional painting/murder episodes, and he told him to go wash the "paint" off of his hands. Berkeley was on the phone with Mason's doctor telling him about the latest episode. In this time, Mason washed his hands, found the bus tickets in his pocket, left the office, and got on a bus. When Berkeley was done with his call, the upstairs manager came down and told him that his employee "Amber" was missing, and he had seen her talking to Mason, proving to Berkeley that Amber was real, and Mason most likely killed her. By the time he gets this information and figures out what actually happened, Mason has already left the building.
So Mason was able to get away because he left before Berkeley figured anything out. reply share
a better question about the bus would be, where the hell was he going?
It's been a while since I saw the movie, but he most likely used the ticket that Amber bought him which he finds in his pocket at the end of the movie. I don't remember if she mentioned a destination.
It was just a way to show that he was moving on. His relationship with her really changed his life, brought him out of his shell, and she wanted to go somewhere with him so he finally took the opportunity.
The destination isn't important, the fact that he's taking the trip is what matters.
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It was the girl he went to high school with. Early in the film he tells Mason he hired a girl from their high school, then later when playing basketball he mentions he fired her.
Actually, you are wrong. The second manager comes to Berkeley saying that Amber missed her shift *that very morning*. The call from the mother was to see that she didn't come home *that night*. Amber was never fired from that first incident that she retaliated with the coffee, the second manager came to talk to Berkeley about needing to fire her for missing the shift where she was busy being a corpse.