I can't with this movie
I've just recently watched this movie on FXX and I know its a supposed to be a "romantic comedy" but..............where the hell is this really? Insecure jackass gives away another insecure jackass she likes to round a way heifer? I mean, seriously, almost at the end. SHE.GAVE.HIM.AWAY. Darcy wasn't that bitch that stole her man like it was portrayed at the beginning, SHE GAVE HIM AWAY! Darcy even ASKED her was there anything going on. She TOLD Dexter to ask Rachel OUT!! Dumbass just reversed the question back to Dexter about Darcy. Dexter even RAN out to see if *beep* was ok, because he knew they had something going. She basically said, "I relinquish my dick and balls to you ,oh my fair Darcy to fellate,tease and titillate." Then of course, they show her crying, which is supposed to make us feel for her, when I'm going, "WHAT THE *beep*, DUMBASS?! YOU WERE INTO HIM, WHAT KIND OF *beep* WAS THAT?!" Oh my God, she is probably the worst lawyer if this were real life. Her clients must pay out the ass.
Lets be real, these folks are supposed to be lawyers, high powered attorneys. They work in New York so you know they had to go to a prestigious university. They have this, yet there so stupid. I mean, stupid. Stupid, dumb, ignorant, just IGNANT. I mean, her line on giving Dex away is basically, "Ever since I was a child, I always gave *beep* to Darcy." Ok, I know women. I know women give dresses to their best friends. They give shoes to their best friends. Their best pumps, maybe those high ass red bottom pumps if they got em. You'll give them bracelets, rings, earrings, necklaces, broaches, pendants, bedsheets, curtains, lingerie. You may give them your vibrator, nipple clamps, anal beads. You may give them your house, your car, your lung and kidney, but I'll be damned if I ever heard of a woman giving away a man she is into. I don't give a damn if you are the biggest feminist on the planet or wanna be Donna Reed circa 1952, you ain't doin that. Never seen it. Never happened. Its a faulty premise. Wholly unbelievable.
I was wondering where Rachel's Mama was, because I don't believe she would have been, "Oh, poor baby....." I bet she would have been, "Excuse me, what? I sent your ass up to law school to get a great and stellar education and you come here to me with the knowledge that you gave away a man you like to that blonde heifer you know. ARE YOU SIMPLE?!" And Dex is a dumbass too. I mean, looking at this movie, I get NO indication that Dex is even into Darcy. She doesn't seem his type and we ALL know it, including Dex. I'm STILL questioning how they even got together. In real life, I picture Dex and Darcy actually having a conversation that Rachel is sort of slow and I know she really wants to date you. How about we arrange a surprise blind date. I know, a cliched plot device used in many romantic comedies but THIS would have been better than what happened for the REST of the film. I mean, WHAT?!
I mean, my feelings are summed up in this review,
And they are making a sequel, SERIOUSLY WHAT THE *beep*!!!!