The Dex, Marcus, and to an extent Rachel, actors were all flat in this movie. I feel like they would've gone for a Luke Wilson or Bradley Cooper to fill the role of Dex (if either actor was younger), to pull off the vulnerable but brooding character attributes. But Dex just came off as dimwitted and spineless instead. There's a fine line between dimwitted and vulnerable, and someone of Wilson's or Cooper's calibre knows the difference, but not everyone.
The Marcus actor was way over the top. I get that he was supposed to be sleazy, but they were trying to pass him off as charming enough to at least be appealing to women...and he just, wasn't.
I like Ginnifer as an actress, and she did a decent job as Rachel. The only complaint I have is that she can't really convey that really dark sick feeling of anxiety well, that would definitely engulf Rachel. Someone like Emma Stone is good at that while also maintaining a innocent and sweet look if they have to. Ginnifer does do the innocent and genuine thing well though.
I thought that Darcy and Ethan were right on point! Possibly because they were also played by really good actors, but perhaps something else just came together.