Scorsese's most underrated film
Silence is my favourite Scorsese film of all-time. I'm a big fan of his films. I can't think of one I didn't like or possibly even love as a movie. Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas - all terrific. But Silence is the real deal.
It is so challenging, powerful, dramatic, and moving. It tackles some of the biggest questions humanity has ever wrestled with. It pushes its characters to the limit and further. It's visually and aurally SO arresting. This is a superlative movie.
But people don't talk about it. It hiccoughed through theatres (my theory: it's too uncomfortable for Christians or atheists to watch - it doesn't really affirm either viewpoint (also: crap advertising)). It's overshadowed by basically every other Scorsese film he's got, in terms of rep and hype.
I was going to post something like this on Gangs of New York's message board (another film I feel is grossly underrated), but then I remembered the artistic heights of Silence and thought, "No...that's the one everybody should know more of..."