MovieChat Forums > Silence (2017) Discussion > I'm not a Christian. Couldn't relate to ...

I'm not a Christian. Couldn't relate to the characters. 1/10

I don't understand this line of thinking, which I'm seeing quite a bit. It's like some people are looking for an excuse not to like a movie because they have a vendetta against Christianity or religion in general.

I'm not a multi-million dollar stockbroking fraudster but I enjoyed TWOWS.

I'm not a hard-boiled gangster but I enjoyed Goodfellas.

I tend not to beat the crap out of my wife and brother, and shove ice cubes down my crotch but I though Raging Bull was great

I'm am not a bi-polar, schizophrenia lunatic (or am I?) but I liked Shutter Island.

What gives? 


never underestimate the power of Christophobia



They're not "Jedi", either, but they sure love "Star Wars".

And I'll never forget all those boys going around saying that they "identified with" Heath Ledger's Joker more than any other screen character they'd ever seen....


Grew up playing too many video games and watching too much sci-fi.

I'm not religious, either, but I can still be fascinated by people grappling with it. Especially in a historical context; the clashing of cultures, that's really more what this is about, anyway. And about people being so devoted to their beliefs.

You don't have to share them, just follow them around and observe them.


Well, the issue here I think is that with a film that is inherently unenjoyable and unentertaining, is it a compelling subject or theme for the viewer? If religious piety is of importance to you, sure, Silence might seem like a test of faith for the devoted. If you are not religious and don't agree with the attempted indoctrination of foreign cultures, it is merely a test of patience.

Will he or will he not apostatize?! Torture and kill a few more Japanese Christians and test his resolve! The padre's inner-struggle is not that compelling to me. It's no vendetta, Scorsese has made an esoteric passion project that many people won't be able to relate to. They certainly can relate to the suffering and violence, but without the justification for it, it just seems as though the Japanese are being sadistic and cruel when they are, in a sense, defending their culture from being brainwashed by foreigners.

Everyone is certainly welcome to see it and tell everyone how brilliant they think it is. Personally, I think many people will save their time and money avoiding this tedious film.


You certainly spend a lot of time on theses boards putting down the movie, despite allegedly not having a vendetta. If they were to make a movie about ISIS killing and torturing Christians, would you be on these boards talking about how they were merely defending their culture from being brainwashed by foreigners? You rail against indoctrination of foreign cultures on the one hand, but defend the Japanese on the other? Are you really that ignorant of Japanese history?


Again. I don't understand this line of thinking. You don't have to agree with anything, you just have to understand the motivations.




Well put, OP.

You relate to TWOWS because we all understand greed.

You relate to Goodfellas because we all understand anger and the desire for power.

For those who do feel this way, I have a challenge. Sometimes you don't identify with a character, but it can be deliberate.

Watch the film again, and do so with this question in mind: Do you have anything (a belief, loved one, a passion) that you hold so strongly you would die for it? That you would sacrifice others for it? Maybe even give your life for it?

THAT is what you can relate to.


Exactly, Crisis892000,

Scorsese once said he couldn't identify with Jake LaMotta, that that was De Niro's project.

Then, Scorsese found an identifiable connection: The same way that he was with Catholicism as a younger man, the guilt and his obsession with it, as well as his obsession with all things film later, that was his connection. He wasn't a guy who did Catholic things, he WAS a Catholic, always. He's not a guy who makes movies, he IS a filmmaker. It's not what he DOES, it's what he IS. He eats, sleeps, dreams, lives for making films. LaMotta is the same way, but he is a boxer, a fighter. So, he fights, not just in the ring, but EVERYWHERE. He's not a guy who fights, he IS a fighter. Once Scorsese latched onto that idea, then the rest just came with it. Because now he understood WHY this guy was at war with himself and everyone else.

And we don't identify with LaMotta, hopefully, but he's still damn sure interesting as a film character....


Films should compel people to feel empathy or a connection to the subject matter, themes or characters. If it does not connect, it won't make much of a return at the box office.

There is a very specific group of people "Silence" is taylor-made for. Outside of that pedantic group, the film is going to struggle to connect with the general public, regardless of how much hyperbole is bestowed upon it by top critics. Obviously, I did not enjoy the film. But if you did, that's great.


You have a very limited viewpoint of what films should be, and you are getting your panties in a bunch because most top critics like the film, unlike you.


Sure, if that makes you feel better. 😆


Just pointing out the obvious.


Have you even seen the film yet?


Well said


Lord of the Rings:

I'm not an orc, couldn't relate to the characters. 1/10.



Did you even read my post?


No, I didn't, I only replied to the title of your post....You should have used quotation marks lol. But I apologize for prejudging.
