Wow I expected a preachy self indulgent jesus flick, this was excellent.
Holy crap this film blew me away. This movie became the exact opposite of what I was expecting. I am just so used to hateful pure flicks movies!
-They do not convert people and shame cultures, they simply offer services to people who are already christians.
-This movie does not portray the Japanese as evil godless savages that need a white savior.
-The film questions whether god is real or not!
-The film talks about cultural differences with translation. The fact that the Japanese do not worship jesus as a person, but rather nature itself. I also loved that the movie was book-ended with sounds of nature.
-Andrew was not that bad! I was ready for one of his worst performances and he actually was quite good.
-Padre Rodreguiz lives as a Japanese citizen for the rest of his life and ironically contributes to the slaughter of Chritians! I mean what an ending. It was a classic Scorsese rise and fall story that did not have some phony self-righteous morals pinned to the end. Brilliant and possibly the best religious film of all time.