Persecution of Christians
ENTIRELY HILARIOUS! The idea of Christians being "persecuted" is so hard to take seriously when we are all to familiar with, Crusades, Slavery-condoning, The Spanish Inquisition, Colonization of the New World, Witch Burnings, Manifest Destiny, tithes, schisms, child abuse and molestation, demonization of natural anatomy, sexuality (even mainstream heterosexual impulses), masturbation, ect. The most dominant spiritual influence in Western society which also owns the largest amount of composited land portrayed as "oppressed" is so laughable (AT LEAST FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF A MODERN, SECULARIZED, LESS THEISTICALLY HOMOGENOUS world)
Even in unspoken ways, how the two priests are so clean while the Japanese Christians are FILTHY and he hands them the crucifix with their black hands, and his immaculately clean yellow hands. Only Christ can save you from your barbaric native land, as though Christianity and the rest of the world wasn't JUST AS barbaric.