MovieChat Forums > Reign Over Me (2007) Discussion > Reign Over Me or Catch and Release?

Reign Over Me or Catch and Release?

Which film do ya'll think is better about the sadness of loss,and the true meaning friendship?

For me it's Reign Over Me


DarkVulcan - interesting comparison. I (somewhat surprisingly) really enjoyed Catch and Release - in great part because Jennifer Garner is gorgeous.

I think Reign Over Me was sadder - Sandler lost his wife, daughters and dog. Not to diminish the loss of life, but Garner lost her husband. Garner had the little boy to hold the memory of her love. Sandler had his in-laws.

Sandler was hesitant to take comfort from his friends (friends he didn't have at the beginning of the film). Garner had supportive friends the whole time.
Don Cheadle's character grew through Reign but I'm not sure if Garner's friends, including Silent Bob, really grew in Release.

And on a side note, the scene in Catch and Release at the river when Garner's friend reveals his affection for her is heartbreaking, albeit in a different way.



