MovieChat Forums > Reign Over Me (2007) Discussion > no matter how good sandler will act, cri...

no matter how good sandler will act, critics always bash him

i love sandlers comedy and he doesnt get enough praise for some real comedy classics like happy gilmore, the waterboy, mr deeds and 50 first dates. and then when he does a tragic performance such as this one, with some real emotional depth,critics dont warm to him either. SANDLER BASHERS

"Never start with the head, the victim gets all....fuzzy"


I agree. He was incredible in this movie. He's a good actor in my opinion.



I guess you can call me a "Sandler basher." He is only mildly funny, almost all of his movies are terrible, and he was a poor choice for this movie. The movie would have been three times better with somebody else. Hell, if Sandler and Cheadle had switched roles, it would have been much better. There's a reason we're not impressed with Sandler. What do you think it is?

See what I did there?


I don't like him at all either but this movie wouldn't have been better with 'any other actor' in the role. He just crosses the line of 'adequate', barely.

"Hell, if Sandler and Cheadle had switched roles, it would have been much better."
I don't get that statement, would Cheadle be better qualified to portray this more complex character (Charlie) than his own, simpeler one? Sure. But who'd play the dentist :-). It's not like you can ever cast Sandler in a regular Joe role, he's way too awkward.

...I am lost, I'm no guide, but I'm by your side...


i absolutely loved him in this. and i was completely won over.

then, i found out he was making don't mess with the zohan and it was like he completely discredited himself.

i think, to answer your question, the reason critics bash him is because he's like that kid in school who is a genius, but never tries very hard. i think most critics, especially after punch drunk love and reign over me, expect great things from him and know he can pull it off. but he keeps drifting back to the same old stuff.


Yeah critics and some people in general bash him cos they already have it in their heads that he's a silly comedian that does movies like Don't Mess With The Zohan etc, but his earlier movies like Happy Gilmore are absolute classics! along with some others, but he has done some crappy movies. However his performance in Reign Over Me was absolutely brilliant. I think he definitely should have been nominated for an Oscar. The Sandler bashers need to get it through their thick heads that he can act very well despite making some poor choices. Be open minded!

The ship sinks in Titanic!


He was good. Every time i saw him in his film I was reminded of Bob Dylan, he really looks like him in this film!


I agree I frequently get in arguments with people about his ability to be a serious actor. I think his roles in Reign Over Me, Spanglish, and also Click demonstrate he can be a serious actor. I think Reign Over Me and Spanglish were GREAT performances by him. The reason I like Click is because the message of the movie reminds me of Stranger Than Fiction which is Will Ferrell's best movie, in my opinion.

If you havent seen Stranger Than Fiction, check it out... I LOVE that movie
