MovieChat Forums > Reign Over Me (2007) Discussion > Cheadle and Sandler were.. (Spoiler Ale...

Cheadle and Sandler were.. (Spoiler Alert)

Don Cheadle and Adam Sandler were very good in this movie. But the writing got so very messy at the end.

The woman who was so in love (stalking) Don Cheadle in the movie just all of a sudden goes head over heels for a rabble looking guy with all that emotional baggage and legal troubles? It doesn't make any sense how she just forgets about the dentist all of a sudden.

And the character of Sandler was portrayed beautifully by the actor. He really did a good job of showing how some people can be so ravaged with post traumatic stress. But to see him just get all comfortable with letting the mental chick in to his life so quickly is a little confusing.

And then Don Cheadle just makes one phone call to his wife and talks to her for like 3 minutes and she's like, "come home baby. everything's gonna be all right". Anybody who's been married for a few years will tell you, you can't satisfy and appease the woman that easy.

The actors in the movie did a pretty good job it's just that the director wrapped up the ending a little too nice and neat for my taste. I didn't think it would end like an afterschool special.

I did enjoy the movie though.


The one part that bugs me, a spot where they goofed, is in the final scene in Charlie's new apartment when Donna leans in to kiss Alan, and he backs away. So, was she still interested in him or was she starting a relationship with Charlie? Kinda muddied things up for me, and if someone can explain that part away, this would be a 10/10 for me, instead of the 9/10 I gave it. Really, a great film with a few character flaws.


He didn't accept the kiss on the cheek because he was still just keeping his guard up and making sure 100% not too send any wrong messages.

I think this is a flaw in the movie because it is clear that Donna is no longer interested in johnson, so
johnson shouldn't/didn't have to respond that way. I would have chosen to have him accept the kiss and do a knowing smile, indicating that things are now cleared up.

I think they chose for him to dodge the kiss for a laugh (I did chuckle).

{A strong spirit, a tender heart}


I laughed too, but I think he dodged her because of the problem she caused earlier when she accused him of sexual misconduct. I surely wouldn't give a friendly kiss (or otherwise) to someone who just about filed a claim against me and tried to jeopardize my profession.

I think he set her up with Sandler's character because they were two lonely-hearts. Even though she sort of apologized to Cheadle after that second office visit...and he somewhat forgave her...he still didn't want to assume the risk.

Most of Sandler's movies are all the least the comedies are. Sort of like Will Ferrell's characters. However, this was surprisingly good and powerful!


It was kind of obvious what was to happen between Charlie and the Crazy Oral Bitch (as I like to call her). You could tell, and she leaned in to kiss him on the cheek, not the lips. The attraction Charlie had towards her was imense, where as the therapist gets "I'm thinking about your tits." and she gets "Thats the girl who wants to blow you!? She's gorgeous". Anyway, I thought the relationships in this were TOP NOTCH in a realistic sense, and it's definatley one of my favorites.



And then Don Cheadle just makes one phone call to his wife and talks to her for like 3 minutes and she's like, "come home baby. everything's gonna be all right". Anybody who's been married for a few years will tell you, you can't satisfy and appease the woman that easy.

she, DC's wife, understood the he would like to have the freedom charlie had. you said most women aren't that easily appease but he wasn't cheating or in a drug den so appeasement was very easy for DC


Also he just gave her a heart to heart talk telling her he wants to be more open. So she's probably happy that he wants to be open. She's not going to give him sh-t after that, she just wants things to be better.


Definitely. I think the relief in her face said it all. The character was too strong to get all otherwise on him. She got what she wanted - he apologized and admitted his problem in one phone call - so she was happy.


Hey man, you're raising some good questions ...

The whole crazy woman I saw as an emotionally unstable woman who'd lost everything she ever had in her life when she lost her husband - maybe she just needs somebody who's stable and loves her for her to function normally? That could be Charlie - if he pursued more help after the movie ..

When Charlie lets down the brigates to his feelings at Liv Tyler (can't remember her name in the movie) and at the court hearings, he starts feeling better, as it is a know fact that humans feel better about tragic events after telling people about it - the indians had rituals where they'd tell dolls their biggest problems and sleep next to them, and the next morning they'd feel better. That could be why Charlie is more open to new people at the end of the movie .. Just a theory, but thought I'd throw it out there.

Haha, good one about women :P Maybe she just really needed for him to admit he hadn't been the best husband as of lately? Speaking as a man who's been with the same girl for a year and a half, I'm not an expert ;-)

I think this is an incredibly moving movie, and a truly deep movie that shows the phases of psychological progressions as you start coping to your problems actively after practising passive coping.


Spot on about both things - she did RANDOMLY fall for Charlie... Another thing that bothered me was how cold the marriage looked even before Charlie got around; shouldn't Cheadle's lifestyle change have put some noticeable strain on the marriage?



I could see it. I can understand it if you might think it was too subtle. But it was VERY CLEAR to me that there was noticeable strain on that marriage. They just weren't a couple that raised their voices at each other. That frost had probably been building up for a while. We're dropping in on their story in the middle -- not from the beginning.
