MovieChat Forums > Reign Over Me (2007) Discussion > Only in the movies can you....

Only in the movies can you....

Point a gun at a police officer and not get shot. This would never happen in real life. It is standard procedure. There is a 0% chance of not getting shot.



Neither of you are police officers, I take it ...

It is NOT standard proceedure to shoot an individual holding a weapon, even if it does become pointed at the officer in question.

... And that was a terribly racist remark, xlegionx.

"Hysteria is only possible with an audience."



I'd like to know what city you are a police officer in where they do not teach you to fire your weapon when an armed man turns his pistol at you. All he has to do is pull the trigger and you are dead, which is why it is STANDARD procedure to shoot when you give a person clear orders to drop the gun and they point it at you.


You stated that it was just standard proceedure to fire when a weapon is pointed at you, but then you amend your statement by adding that whole "giving a person orders to drop the weapon."

I simply stated that it is not standard proceedure to shoot first, not even if the weapon becomes pointed at the officer.

If you're a police officer, how did you not recognize a STANDARD question from the exam, huh?

"Hysteria is only possible with an audience."


You are an idiot. The orders were given in the movie therefore it was implied. I am right you are wrong end of story.


You're a sad little man ... Perhaps you should stick to your porn sites where the females aren't intelligent enough to call you on your bs.

"Hysteria is only possible with an audience."


Your whole argument is based on semantics and whether or not I clarified that orders were given to drop the gun. People who argue semantics typically have no real basis for their argument. There is no exception here. You are a fool.


And yet you continue to banter back and forth with me even though in your (little) mind you think I'm wrong ... Now what does that say about you, little man?

"Hysteria is only possible with an audience."


Hahh.. you need to get a life man, seriously and stop nitpicking.


You must have terribly low self esteem to continue to go back and forth with me and try to have the last word on the subject even after you've decided in your (little) mind that I'm incorrect.

I seriously pity you, little man. Seek professional help before you hurt yourself or someone else.

"Hysteria is only possible with an audience."


"You must have terribly low self esteem to continue to go back and forth with me and try to have the last word on the subject"

Interesting take considering you are doing the exact same thing.. hypocrite would be an understatement. Seriously you need to get a life.


Wow, you really do have low self esteem to have even responded to my last posting. I'm amazed you rose to such a baiting ... Does your having the last word really mean that much to you?

If it really does and it will help you sleep at night, little man, I'll let this be my last word on the subject and you can post all you want until you feel satisfied enough to quite thinking so poorly of yourself.

Seriously get that professional help, though, okay little guy? ...

"Hysteria is only possible with an audience."


The pot calling the kettle black...



But Black is a race and you claimed that a white man pointing a good at a cop wouldn't lead to them getting shot. But a man of color would. That's what he pointed out as Racist..and you knew what he meant your just being a smartass.



I fully apologize, Oncogene (formerly xlegion, correct?), if your intentions were not racist, but as the internet is a very cold medium and intonation and inflection of voice are lacking, a phrase or comment can be taken the wrong way ...

On the one hand, the comment was suggestive of racism to me. It was as though the comment wasn't directed at police officers, but at the color of skin inquestion. To my point of view, as though you were insinuating that because Adam Sandler's character was caucasian rather than African-American that his chances of survival went up.

On the other hand, you might have been taking a cheap shot at police officers (as you have recently stated).

I suppose the comment could have been taken either way. Since you weren't right over my shoulder to give me your intentions as I read the comment, I took it to resemble a terribly racist remark.

"Hysteria is only possible with an audience."



She pointed out it was racist. I'm female.

"Hysteria is only possible with an audience."


I personally thought it was pretty funny.

With lives on the line where dreams are found and lost...
