I've just seen this film and came on here to see what you guys thought and can't help but feel anyone who saw this and didn't like it either,
1. Just totally misunderstood the roles of certain characters. Alot of people seem baffled by how the woman who offered to give oral sex to Cheadle, suddenly comes around falling for Adam Sandler... she explained perfectly well why she offered that and she's now looking to rebuild her own life with Sandler.. The blowjob was just a one hit erotic desire..
2. Don't seem to understand human psychology. I'm no psychologist, but honestly if you can't relate to the emotions in this film and how the people react, you're a robot.
3. Watched this with the wrong audience and didn't allow themselves to get immersed. It wasn't hard to get sucked into the atmosphere of this film and I watched this with my mum and sister and I managed too really get into the mood of it. Some of the comments on the boards just suggest you guys weren't trying to connect to the film and understand the loss Sandler has suffered, therefore you "didn't get his charachter and why he was like totally *beep* retarded thru the film>?". Try watching this film with an open mind, emotionally that is. Don't watch it when you're absurdly happy or with a group of guy mates with nachos and beer, because yes, you won't connect and you won't get any of it.
This film is about emotion and dealing with the loss of loves ones and in my opinion, the loss on 9/11 is the centric theme. I've seen alot of people who think it's to do with human loss and tragedy overall and the fact it was related to 9/11 is just substance to story, I disagree entirely, I think losing three kids, you're wife (and the dog) on 9/11 is far worse than in other circumstances (although I can't pretend that I really know, obviously as I never experienced it, or any loss of family etc.), and while thats just my opinion, I can't help but feel that after Sandler explained the story outside the psychiatrists office and about how he found out, and you still thought the movie was off etc. his reaction of falling into his shell was badly portrayed etc. then as I said before, you have no understanding of emotions. I thought it was so powerful how he was in the cab when he heard, the mixed emotions and his only source of information was the radio, then hearing further information of the second plane from the guy outside the cab, furthermore when he must've got home and seen what happened on TV etc.etc.
Honestly I could go on for days about this film, as you can tell I loved it, I thought it was a great view into human tragedy, particularly that surrounding 9/.11 and I found it reignited alot of the emotions I felt just after that day!
I think it's just really sad that people watch this and say "yikes".. I frankly can't understand that. You either don't understand people or you're emotionally mute.
"Hellboy 2 should just be shipped to hell" mattyanks61.