Did she get over it?

I somehow got the impression that Donna didn't quite get over Johnson by the end of the movie (e.g. how she tried to kiss Johnson). It seemed like she was visiting Charlie because she sort of felt sorry for him, and he was Johnson's friend so she could see him. Did anyone else think this too?


I thought it was supposed to be a kiss on the cheek, but Charlie backed away anyway - out of instinct.


who knows.Maybe they're gonna start over


She was definitely more interested in Charlie. She had a near meltdown after her marriage broke up and I think when she met Charlie she realised that she wasn't the only person on earth to fall apart after a relationship ends. When she says to the shrink "Why can't people just realise he has a broken heart!" I knew she liked him.

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground, try this sig with spinach!
