A sequel!!!!

Don't let the reviews let you down, this movie was hilarious. Even the posts that say how bad it was are often positive. The movie does what it suppose to do, to make you laugh on its stupidity. All of the people i know that watched this found it amazing and would like to see the sequel (e.g. that *beep* loch ness monster story from the ending), just to keep jokes on same level as in first.


deffinatly agree, this movie was hilarious, and i think most people took the film to seriously and didnt get the humor. All my friends that saw this film thought it was hilarious. And not to mention its deffinatly one of those movies thats quotable


Hey, that's what I was talking with a friend the other day, a sequel would be great.
It's one of the best movies to see stoned and the metacritic scores took me by surprise.
