so my son is old enough to watch horror movies, listen to curse words, see all this violence and he seems to have no problem differentiating between fantasy and reality. However, although he is old enough for me to discuss sexual topics with him if he brings up the curiosity, I am not comfortable with showing him gratuitous nudity. Sexual innuendos still seem to go over his head.
Anyway, I want to know when in the movie the full frontal girl scene appears so i can skip it with him in the room. I saw this movie in the theaters, but remember little and don't really want to spoil myself if i can help it. If you could tell me the time in the movie (for example: @ 47 minutes) or so, I would be most grateful.
yeah...he's 11. He knows what is fake and what is not. He enjoys those scenes for what they are, much like an adult. He enjoys horror movies and the like. I am not even 100 percent sure he's never seen a naked woman (at his friend's house perhaps) since i can't monitor him 24/7 (though i try). But I do not want to force him to watch something sexual if he never has.
I am not even a prude, where i feel like a pair of tits are gonna ruin his life. However, i saw my first sex scenes in some random movies when i was about his age ("forced" by peer pressure), and although it never really hurt me, i can honestly say i never saw girls the same again. some of my innocence was taken away. A couple more years of having a child's mind would have been nice. But if he sees them, i'm not gonna freak out.
Speaking as a mother, I find it twisted that you have no problem with your 11 year old watching all that gory violence, but the idea of a woman's naked breasts upsets you this badly.
This is simply a demonstration of how warped American society has become.
The fact that you can say " oh ya well he's 11." so that means he can look at a man have his limbs twisted, till tendons rip, and bones protrude, a woman wearing a shotgun collar, a man use a rotary saw on someone else... none of this is too gruesome for your eleven year old, but a 4 second shot of a woman's breasts, has you scrambling?
Personally i am wondering under what theory of parenting you think watching Saw with an eleven year (gender irrelevant) is acceptable ( with or without frontal nudity). I personally think this moronic thinking demonstrates to the extent that American culture is full of hang-ups about sex, while violence is treated Like " no big deal."
In Europe you find the reverse, violence is more of a sensitive issue ( as it should be in my opinion..) while nudity is no big deal.
" if you have a problem with the naked female body, don't complain to me, take it up with the manufacturer." < Woody Harrelson, The People vs. Larry Flynt>
The female human body is a beautiful thing, a young female doubly so. A body that has been subjected to " The rack" can be very traumatic, and gruesome. But it is amazing that you, and parents like you can say " No way am I gonna let my son see a pair of breasts In a non-sexual, non-erotic, non-titillating scene that lasts 4 or 5 seconds, but I'll let him see a man have his neck twisted to imitate Linda Blair. "
And, while this may be off topic, when you mentioned Linda Blair, I couldn't help but picture her watching this, seeing the guy have his neck snap, and then muttering, "Psh...pussy"
1: this isnt europe so who cares what they do over there. If they all walked around naked should we do that here? THATS how warped your depiction of america has become. "if they do it in europe then thats how we should be". No. We are AMERICA. you know, land of the free, home of the brave? Not europe. if you want europianism, gtfo.
2: Sex and violence are two COMPLETLEY different things. You can(and im sure her son has) play violent video games killing every thing in sight! do they have nudity in video games? only one I've seen and it was on PS2.
3: once again stay the *beep* out of her buisness. If she says her son knows the difference between REALITY AND FANTASY(i.e. life vs movies/video games) then let it be! she asked a simple question; not if her son should watch this. ITS HER *beep* DECISION!!!!
BTW: your son already has seen nudity before. I saw nudity before age 11 w/o the internet available.
As an American who has spent time in Europe, this is why teen pregnancy, gun violence, etc is less among kids in the UK than in American. Even general health among kids in the UK, France, etc is better than in America.
To the guy who states 1.) This is not Europe, if they walk naked there should we.
I would answer that if science shows that Europe is doing it better. (ie. France is number in Health... source World Health Organization), and Texas has more pregnant teens than all of England... maybe we SHOULD consider doing the things in Europe that work. Maybe we should ask, "Why aren't their kids as violent as our own?"
"Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again." - C.S.Lewis
It's nothing special. It's around the 40-45 min. mark. There is NOTHING sexual at all about this scene. Seriously, it's just torture. As Jigsaw Expert has said already, if you're son can handle graphic violence, he can handle this. It's about 5 mins. long, but it is NOT 5 mins. of nudity. You see her full frontal I think about 3 times throughout the entire scene, but mostly you see from her upper chest to her head. I think he can handle it, but if you feel uncomfortable about it, then I apologize.
Team Jill This isn't what John wanted.... You chose this. - Saw IV
Although I have to question why make the woman nude but none of the men... I will say the nudity was totally un-sexual anyway. I am not sure if she was even fully nude. Apart from being topless I think she was wearing some kind of body suit to make it look like she was nude.
Anyway.. the violence is extreme in this one, so I would not be showing an 11 year old something like this. Yes its obviously fake, but even I had to look away from the screen at times and I am a 30 something year old man.
Obviously (just in case the rest of you didn't catch on)... her 'nudity' was a form of humiliation; strung up by brutal chains (like a captured animal), locked inside a freezer...bare naked??? Personally, I wouldn't have survived but a few moments!
The female body does not have the same insulation as a males. Amazingly, she survived long enough to have words with Jeff... AND get sprayed with freezing water(!)
Well, i think the fact that she was being frozen to death made the nudity at least practical in this case. As to why it wasn't a guy in the freezer, they probably thought it is more pleasant to see a woman naked instead of frozen sausage. Also, when it comes to full frontal, I think they can get away with a woman and not a man with an R rating because their actual genitals are covered.
Because more guys watch horror than girls, and men are easier to appeal to in movies anyway. Promise them even a bra strap and they come running to the theater in hordes.
also, the full frontal is kind of hard to see the details because of the fact the room she is in is really misty so you can kind of make some stuff out. It is a really disturbing scene however.
You're saying your son is old enough to watch horror movies but yet this movie is 18+ and from what you've said your son is 11. What is wrong with you?
You know, there's an age rating for a reason. Jesus man, he's a little boy, how could you seriously even just think about letting him watch this?