The book
The book series is actually really good, so don't be put off by the movie.
In fact, the only thing the books share in common with the movie is Davy Rice. There are no other jumpers. No paladins. No secret war between two factions.
I will say that the lack of a clear antagonist makes the first book a little weak, though. But then the sequel picks up the narrative a decade or so later, when Davy and Millie are married, and makes the switch to a third-person narrative that alternates between them. The third book's another decade or two later (modern-day now), and they have a teenage daughter.
And they're really fun books. Dark at points, but always interesting and consistently fast-paced. Davy's a bit insufferable in the first book, but the switch to third-person thereafter is a great improvement to the pace and characters.
So if you're a reader, check them out, and have a laugh at how completely unlike the movie they are. ;)
Their order is Jumper, Reflex, Impulse, and Exo.
Those who do not read are no better off than those who cannot.