factors that influenced beth
-seeing ex husband with his new wife
***why couldnt the ex pick up his child instead of making her drive him all the way there out of her way....if that had happened she would never have missed her exit or had relations with diane
-minivan on her behind almost hitting her on the highway
*****starts her frustration with crazy drivers
-diane cutting her off at 120 miles an hour let me remind you all
****makes her offically totally late for work with no hope
-getting stuck in highway traffic
****added frustration
-elevator not coming right away
***jumbling her nerves
-package slip
***already knows she is in trouble from boss
-boss telling her to go get the package
****sets her off on a wild goose chase that gets her a ticket, which she has no money to pay, and gets her even more overheated since its hot and she has no air, and then frustrated because she can get a break
-parking spot gets taken by that dumb guy added frustreation of people who only care abput themselves
-gets fired
****do i need to explain?
-seeing old high school classmate who acts so snobish
-bank guy
-husband tells her after hearing she lost her job and has had a bad day that he is taking her child she has raised while he got a better life
-son gets hurt
-diane honks horn and tells her off being a bitch
***finally she has had enough and mentally has broken down....it is so classical it could be a movie for a psy 101 class
i do not know anyone who would not break down if all that happened to her no matter the fault
and diane was not justified in killing her because she was no longer attacking her but trying to help so that is not murder in defense.....thats murder after the fact
it is not justified at all
the license on the gun if there was one was not in her name and should not be in her car legally
so if i was the judge or jury i would find diane guilty
if i was the therapist on the stand to talk about the accident i would say that it was not defense
2 wrongs do not make a right
and what an ass that husband of beths was