Beth's Car

If Beth's Ex loved and only wanted the best for his son as he claimed, then he should have helped Beth buy a new safe car. He didn't give a hoot they were driving around in a dangerous piece of junk. All he cared about was how well his life was going---now.
Both of those women should not have had a license! Scary to think people drive that way.
Really a good movie on lifetime though!


A Honda Civic in good condition is hardly a piece of junk. But good point, the Ex should've made sure the car was in good running condition.

Yes, the main thought I got was both of these women were way too inattentive to the task of driving.

As women are generally put in a good light on Lifetime, I found it interesting this movie almost reinforced the stereotype (please no hate mail, I don't necessarily agree with the stereotype) of bad women drivers.

Even if both of their lives were going *beep* that day, if there were more attentive (and courteous) drivers, these tragedies could've been avoided.


So she can't make sure the car is serviced herself? She said herself in the movie shes been meaning to take it to the garage but didn't. You can't put this on the husband.


I was responding to the OP (Gabby)'s orignal point about the ex, but this is a valid point in and of itself.

