MovieChat Forums > Last Exit (2006) Discussion > One of the best TV movies ever!

One of the best TV movies ever!

This would be one of the best tv movies ever that I've seen. Though stories were parallel it made sense in the end.


I thought it was great, too! The ending was a shocker! I don't think alot of people have seen this movie. It was on Lifetime Channel.


You're right: alot of people haven't seen this movie...I hadn't until tonight when it was number 9 on the "Top 10 Lifetime Movies of 2006" or whatnot. I hadn't even heard of it, actually, but it was one of the better ones I've seen lately!


You've got to be kidding. It didn't even make sense.


The woman who lost her job completely stepped out of character towards the end, but in light of that, it really wasn't that much of a shocker what the other woman did. Were we supposed to really care about the woman who lived? Or the ex-husband of the woman who didn't?

And frankly, I didn't even feel that much sympathy for the woman who didn't live. While she went through hell trying to do her job, apparently it was her own poor performance that put her on such shaky ground with her boss in the first place. (The only reason they needed a courier was because the affidavit sat on her desk for a week).


Were we supposed to really care about the woman who lived? Or the ex-husband of the woman who didn't?

You were not Supposed to feel sorry for anyone.

The movie just depicted the intertwined life of two women, who in my opinion might not have been that different. Both of them taking their frustration out on each other.


I was pleasantly surprised at how good this movie was. I expected a "road rage stalker" type of flick (a guilty pleasure), but this one had real depth and really made you think. Excellent performances by both of the lead actresses.


yea the movie was good..though i dint lyk the endin ..though it was sumthin i could hv never thought of..but it was too sad..sader than i expected...:(


This movie reminded me of the Michael Douglas movie "Falling Down". Very well done.



Are you serious? This movie is AWFUL. I'm about halfway through and both the main characters are completely unsympathetic. I could care less about each of these women. The "shaky" camera technique is horrible. I think that the director was on some kind of drugs, because the movie is just a horrible jumble of 2 second clips. I don't know what's going on, and I could care less.


Funny thing about "awful" movies is that I kinda figure that out pretty quick and do not suffer through watching the whole movie, unless I have paid to see it out in a theater, but at home..I don't watch "awful" movies as you must have to determine you thought it was awful and you say:

"you could care less" then why for one watch the whole movie, and two even waste your time posting about a movie ya indicate you liked..maybe that jumbo of clips did intrigue you that's why you kept watching, hmmmmm?....LOL

Body Rockin girls "just rock'n it like"


Please shutup.
If you dislike the movie, no one that likes it gives a *beep* about what you think.
Get lost.

RIP Judith Eva Barsi
RIP Heather O'Rourke
RIP Jonathan Brandis
RIP Michelle Thomas
RIP Aaliyah


I won't go that far in long shot to even try to say this is one of the best movies ever..that's a pretty lofty statement to make..about any good movie, which I do think this movie was...and I admit I am not on the Lifetime Channel that much.,.I'm a action thriller, sci-fi, adult swim, AMC channerl, History channel, espn kinda guy but will say I happened to be flicking the channels and got in on this money when the lady that got killed was trying to find her package and and went looking to pick it up...but for some reason from that point on I stopped flicking channels and this movie got my interest and I wasn't sure what was going on, I didn't say the lady cut the other lady off as it later is stated when the woman that died went off the deep end..but you knew those two ladies lives were about to clash some how simply because the way the story played out and the flashes into what was going on in each of their lives..but the end was a total surprise as was the conclusion..with no info on what happened to the 2nd lady that lost her leg legally for shooting the 1st woman..but the obvious answer to that trial or charges based on what transpired and what she had to be thinking when the saw the other lady pounding on her car window after attacking her earlier in front of a street full of witnesses then chasing her down and causing the crash.

Her kids asked her if she was going to to jail, I would have to say she surely should not have.

Body Rockin girls "just rock'n it like"



The reason she had the gun in her car was because her son brought it to school and she had gone there to pick him and the gun up. Unfortunately, she forgot to drop it off when she got home. Also, she was only semi-conscious when she shot the other woman in self-defense. You have to remember that the other woman had attacked her vehicle and had chased her down until they both had an accident.

It's easy to look back at what someone else should have done when you're sitting on your comfy couch. Me, I do it all the time...


I liked the movie and the close-up camera work. But I hated the shaky camera.

It loses points for the hand-held camera technique.

Now pass the asprin.


Liberals kill with ABORTION.
Conservatives kill with the DEATH PENALTY.
I kill with WORDS.


Yeah' i think this is one of the better tv movies that i have seen in quite some time as the characters do give a principle to all of our lives in a society of "faster is better, just as long as the progress is excellent" kind of lifetstyle not too mention to juggle kids, a demanding relationship with a spouse or family, along with the constaints of financial embarkment with the house, car, etc. These women shed some light in our own lives-good movie with some good acting. In my opinion think the nervous camera shooting and heart pulsing type music gave us a sense of their stress from a world that is very demanding...on us all.
