school election

Why no candidate for UKIP,the BNP,or any other party?

reply you should know..the BBC is leftie biased and therefore these parties are a no-no,even thou we suppose to live in a democracy.....they think teenagers can't wiegh -up the pros and cons of these more contraversal politics.One thing is sure...Lib-dem,Tory,Labour,the promises they announced won't come to friutican as there all thieves and liers.


Well there hardly going to use the BNP are they?!


The school is set in Rochdale.The BNP has an active organisation there.Therefore it's going to have supporters in the school.I support UKIP myself.


You realise that aside from effectively opening the gate for discrimination in the school, that would also be horrible for the students actually representing the BNP, right? Can you imagine the reactions of the other pupils if someone put themself forward for that?

Use your head.

For the Greater Good.
The scream lives on.


Surely some of them would support the BNP/UKIP/other parties.


Also why were they running with Jess etc when they are soon going to leave? Surely they should have gone with Finn or Amy as they have another year left.


I may mis-remember but weren't they supposed to be 'mock' elections? There wasn't any actual kind of 'position' to be filled, just a way of teaching the kids how to present political arguments and how the voting process works.
