Michael Byrne..dead?

Is Michael Byrne dead or is he coming back as head next series? I hope he's not dead and that he returns as head - I really actually loved him as headmaster of Waterloo Road and I thought he was the firmest and the strictest and the best - even though nobody else thinks that.


It was just a bump on the head,he'll be right as rain for the next series...look how Finn made a remarkable recovery from falling of that bridge in the last series.More shenanigans from the bunny boiler to come!


If he doesnt survive ill be most surprised. As it will be the first time WR has ever done that. Ended a series on somebody criticly injured, but not surviving. I mean Finn survived that bridge fall, Rachel Mason survived being left unconcious in a burning building, so he should survive a hit and run attempt.

What a right bunny boiler that woman is though.


I think he does survive as I am sure he is the head when they go to Scotland


the way he was looking through the school building before getting run over indicated(to me anyways) that this was his last ever episode



Alec Newman who plays Michael tweeted last week about the final WR scenes in Rochdale being completed, presumably for the episodes coming up after Xmas. So if Alec himself has been filming then obviously the character must survive.


Didn't Izzie get stabbed at the end of Series 2 and then not survive? That may have been the exception. I guess she wasn't head teacher, but still...


Yes as the next series started with the head teacher doing a radio interview about Izzy's death.
