I know a guy

Who is going to be an extra in every episode next season :)
He's already been filming episodes and was winding us up telling us what happens :)


Good for him, I hope he enjoys it, I sure would. I think the next Series will be a real good one iondeed. It has quite a bit of potiental I feel.


He probably goes to my school. Lots of people from my school are in it.


Do you go to Waterloo Road?

The world is your lobster.


Can't tell if this is a joke or not if not, of course I don't, it doesn't exist, and the real school they film it in has been closed for ages. If you meant am an extra in it then no I am not, I hate this show and want nothing to do with it


Which school do you go to CinemaSensei? What general area I mean.



Yes it was a joke, sorry.

The world is your lobster.


I got a surprise when I tuned in to the first episode & saw a guy I used to work with cropping up as a lead character!

Haven't seen him in about 18 months but I always knew I'd see him pop up in a primetime show at some stage.


Which character does he play?

The world is your lobster.


That runaway Drew character. Must admit it took me about 15 minutes until I realised I recognised him. He's grown since I last saw him.


Oh right, I thought he did a decent job.

The world is your lobster.



I just came to see if it was busy. You're not doing the show any favours by swearing at people who disagree with your opinion. I've actually met one of the actors, and filmed her, she's very nice. Try to be somewhat mature, please.
Browncoat for life!
