
Why did Lorraine fund a school without learning anything about running a school? She seems to use it as her personal PR machine, or worse, like when she had Janeece working for her instead of running the office. She has no qualifications as a teacher, but she's constantly trying to exclude students or change the curriculum, and when she doesn't get her way, she whines about the money she invested. How could Michael agree to a setup like that? Why does the new Waterloo Road not have a Board of Governors like the old one? (Could be because it's an independent school? Because it's in Scotland? I'm American, so I don't know exactly how these things work.)

I've just watched the entire show over the past few weeks, and I know it's not the most realistic thing ever, but Lorraine is just over-the-top stupid as a character. If she ran her business the way she runs the school, she'd be broke. (And she makes the move to Scotland even more ridiculous.)


Well said, thank you! She drives me crazy.



I'm glad it's not just me!


As she owns the place,she doesn't need a Board of Governors. She attributes her success to Byrne in the first instance so gave him his own school.I find it unconvincing that she's made so much money in so short a time and would have thought that she and Byrne would be having an affair. Blonde,beautiful,rich, admiring-what's stopping him?



I know she has £70m in the bank, she said that's how much she sold her company for.

But surely if she's paying for that entire school, the teacher salaries, the everyday materials, the upkeep and everything that goes with it then she'll soon be broke?? It's a pretty damn expensive venture to continue funding for the foreseeable future and isn't it a non-fee paying school? Does she get a return at all?

