So Lorraine's gay?

I wondered why there wasn't any sign of a man in her life. Or why she wasn't getting it on with Michael or anyone else. I can see her being outed in the assembly hall by someone like Barry perhaps.


I really thought she'd get with Michael. Explains why she didn't!


Nikki was more of a suprise for me, I was sure they were leading upto something between her and Tom before the move to Scotland.


You didn't realise Nikki was gay?? Its never been explicitly stated but she's ex-army, always wears trousers. I don't think it was meant to be a secret.



Just because she's been in the army and wears trousers doesn't make it obvious she's gay at all! As for her prefence in real life that doesn't make any difference to the show either she's played straight charcters before.
People I've spoke to about it were also shocked and agreed that they thought she was a new partner for Tom.


"she's ex-army, always wears trousers" does not equal gay.
"loves women" = gay.
Please don't stereotype, it drags everyone back.


It's obvious she's a can spot them a mile of.

