With Tom now sadly deceased and Grantly with Kidney problems apparently nobody leaves Waterloo Road in peace! Even Bolton Smiley came back and went this season and it wasn't a pleasant experience that ended well either.
With season 9 within a few months time towards the end of the year or so, it'll be just Grantly who's the last to go from the series.
ST4, the moment Tom hit the ground and Grantly's staring at him in disbelief, I figured Grantly's days were numbered.
But now I think that, as long as both kidneys are relatively undamaged, that Grantly can inherit both of 'em, and thus owe the rest of his life to Tom.
Wonder what the reaction will be to Kyle Stack for next term.
He's bound to become a pariah in the eyes of those who see him as responsible for being up ontop of the school in the first place where Tom was killed saving his worthless life to begin with. Ironic that he's gone from being in a gang member from last season, to a former rape victim of a detention centre somewhere's. Because he learned the hard way he wasn't some big hardman inside a place where some real dangerous teenage nutjobs end up.
Season 9's first couple of episodes are going to be something to behold indeed.