Seriously who the blazes writes this tripe?
Reality check guys I know it's only a TV show but these are kids, just little kids. if it were set in a university I could stand it but these are secondary school age kids between 11 & 17.
I'm sitting in a room with an 18 year old girl who thanks to this & other rubbish soaps believes that life is really like this, because so many trashy soaps like this one portray characters who do things that in the real world are life changing events that will impact them for many years to come & yet it all comes out OK a few episodes later.
There should be a health warning on shows like this, "Warning watching too many of these programmes will distort your image of reality!"
Giving the demographic target audience of shows like this one the kind of message it does is simply irresponsible, for gods sake a few weeks ago some idiot stole an automatic pistol from a serving soldier, what were the consequences of such a potentially disastrous action? NONE absolutely bloody NONE AT ALL!!!
In the real world that moron would have been arrested by the Military Police hauled up in front of a magistrate & had the book thrown at him on the insistence of the M.O.D, nobody would have kept quiet for him least of all the teacher who was stuck in the middle of it all when the crap hit the fan.
As I said I know it's only a TV show but for gods sake have the decency to show the consequences for a change rather than all the happy endings where it all comes out rainbows sunshine & joy.
"A lie can travel the world while the truth is still putting it's shoes on" (Mark Twain)