My actual review of the movie
I have time for Shia LaBeouf (Transformers and so on) so here's a few more words (spoiler for the film M3gan)
watchable enough, but contained too many tropes or co incidences within the location
- dude loses his father in a car crash (this also happened to the girl in M3gan, but car crashes do happen). this also leads to him assaulting a teacher (2 previous records apparently) that gets him under house arrest
- at the time of his lock in, hot girl also happens to move in next door
- dude also is able to see all of his neighbours property
- crazy comical best friend type character
- and one of the neighbours is a serial killer. which. always happens
if a flaming bunch of newspapers was put on your patio (non flammable surface), would you stamp it out? with your socks? or just leave it to burn out? the whole film is watchable enough, I just think....home living people wouldn't actually do all those things. they'd just....chill and watch telly