I liked it

I don't care what anyone said. I thought it was funny and clean for a Vince Vaughn movie. i could actually bring my children to see this.

That whole sibling Annonomus scene was just histerically funny.


I completely agree. This is a CHRISTMAS movie - meant to "warm the heart" and I think that's exactly what it did. I laughed throughout the ENTIRE movie. It has a fantastic cast and christmas movies are there just to make people feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I LOVED it!!!

And, yes - the whole sibling anonymous thing was great.

one question though...who was the actor that hit on rachel weiz's character when fred was looking into the snow globe? I can't find him on the imdb list.


I loved it too. My husband, 2 kids and I went today, and they and we laughed the whole time.
The actor that hit on Rachel Weiz, was Jeffery Dean Morgan, he played Denny on Grey's Anatomy


Hey, hey, it's good to see that there are a number f people liking it, and it's also good to see that it's still surviving at the box office even with the batch of films released on Wednesday.

Merry Christmas! Ho, ho, ho!


Siblings Anon was hilarious and so unexpected! BRILLIANT marketing move not to have even a hint of it in the previews! That would've ruined it.

"Kill the boy!"
"How did you know he was a vampire?"
"He's a vampire?"


Hey, hey, I thought this to be the perfect movie to put me in the Christmas spirit.

Merry Christmas! Ho, ho, ho!


i loved this movie and i thought i was really good. a great christmas movie.

Patsy Stone: A little will they, won't they situation!


I liked it also. Very funny movie.


thought it was pretty good too. definetly something younger kids could watch without me having to worry it would be too adult in it's humor or language.


I liked it too! It was one of the better Christmas movies I've seen in a long time. I'm surprised it got such a low rating.


Ditto. I read all the bad reviews here and thought I was going to hate it. I didn't. In fact, I kinda sorta liked it! I loved some of the set designs and the concepts they developed with the whole naughty children being misunderstood. I liked that message a lot.

I am not a Frankenstein. I'm a Fronkensteen.


I liked it to. Judging from the coming attractions i saw, I thought it would be a stupid movie, but Vince Vaughn always makes me laugh so I got it from Netflix and watched it last week. It was both (a) not as funny as I would have liked, and (b) a better movie than I expected. It turned out to have some heart, and the "Silent Night" sequence actually made me verklempt. I liked Giamatti as Santa, too. Great soundtrack, too.
