Fred talks too fast in this film, anyone else agree?
In this film Vaugn's character talks way too fast in my opinion, particularly for little kids to understand. I'm not sure if it's his 'thing' or if it's just a character quirk but it was annoying cos he constantly did it! And if he tried to make something funny I didn't get it cos he was talking too fast! I think they should've used another actor in the movie but the Paul guy playing Santa (can't spell his last name!) was a very good Santa surprisingly! All in all the film was pleasant to watch and was different. The graphics weren't entirely good but the film did have some unexpectedness which was targeted more at parents. I gave it 6 out of 10. I couldn't decided between 5 and 6 so as it's Christmas I decided to be extra nice :D And it seems to be the only Christmas related film out in the cinemas this year! So disappointing! but I suppose it's hard to think of an original Christmas story anymore.
"Stop dragging things down to your own level, it's immature son." - John Lennon, Help!