2 questions about this flick
Firstly, let me just say that I did actually enjoy this film, even though I thought it was going to be a bit pony. I mean, it has a good cast, and anything with the gorgeous Rachel Weisz in it has to be given a chance.
My questions are as follows:
1. If all the boys presents were baseball bats, and the girls presents were hula hoops, then why were there all kinds of different shaped presents in Freds sack?
2. Why do you think the leprechauns gave Wanda a German teddy at the end? Maybe because the actress in question has a German sounding name? But Rachel Weisz is actually of Austrian and Hungarian extraction, so I guess that would be a goof then, right?
I await your kind responses with baited breath, and would like to wish all my fellow humans a jolly good Christmas, and an above average New Year.
"Go forth, be strong. Much love. That's why they call me Terry Tibbs."