I hate reboots

Stop rebooting everything. Just make a better movie.

Look at the Hulk movies: Great job of improving the movie, while adding background, without "rebooting" and starting over.

Throw something new into their past or origins if you need to via flashback, or dialougue. Stop rebooting everything. That's why we never get any new stories.

For example, if another Superman movie ever gets made, can we possibly have any other villain besides Lex Luthor?

Continue on the story, while improving the movie.


I totally agree, i'd so love to see Toyman, Metallo, Or Doomsday in a superman movie, but they just keep using Lex, he's cool, but they've pretty much exhausted the character and made him boring now.

I also agree that reboots are usually a bad idea. This Series isn't beyond saving, they just need to take it in a new direction, make it a bit darker and not have as many goofy moments. I even like the way most of the characters act in these movies, they're all pretty likable. And Doom is pretty cool too, i think the problem is, they didn't give him much of a purpose in this movie.

I think The Batman reboot was excellent, but they shouldn't reboot movies like F4 and Daredevil, those movies are decent and just need some fresh ideas for sequels.

Buzz Bummerman - 3 Ninjas High Noon at Mega Mountain



Actually, I think The Hulk WAS rebooted, wasn't it?

Agree, give Baldie Lex the sack. Bring bigger things for Supes to punch

Had Jack Bauer been a Spartan, the movie would be called "1"


It depends on whether the reboots are good or not. Anyway The FF movies were terrible and in need of a reboot.FF deserves better than the crap Tim Story churned out.

"Tell me something, my friend.You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight? " Batman '89


Anyway The FF movies were terrible and in need of a reboot.FF deserves better than the crap Tim Story churned out.

I agree. A fresh new start is what the FF needs. They were not complete garbage, but they do deserve better. I feel that the Fantastic Four franchise needs to be revitalized. There was no way that a 3rd movie was gonna work, even with a new director or writers. Why? Because of the fact that the franchise had taken a lot of flack due to Tim Story as the director and a few negative reviews about some of the casting choices and their performances.

I'm sorry, but I'm down with the reboot. I just wished they would keep Michael Chiklis.

Did Batman Begins turned out to be an awful idea, since it was a reboot as well? No.

I know, there's gonna be some folks that are gonna nitpick on the fact that I brought up a DC title on a message board about a Marvel comic property. But, it still proves a point. Batman Begins was a reboot, and it turned out to be a very good one, at that.

I'll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsickle

-Ajax The Warriors (1979)


Look at the Hulk movies: Great job of improving the movie, while adding background, without "rebooting" and starting over.

Uh, actually The Incredible Hulk WAS a reboot. It does not take in the same place universe as Ang Lee's Hulk.

You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance.


Yeah, and now they are rebooting spiderman... probably since they always slightly alter the title it will be the amazing spiderman.


Instead of them rebooting things I like the idea that they arn't remakes or reboots they are just a re-imagining, you know? Like a version but by a different person

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I actually really want Fantastic Four 3, and not a reboot, because I appreciated the fact that the first two movies didn't try to take themselves super-serious, they were just dumb-fun, and sometimes all I want is dumb-fun. (Which is why my two favorite films of all time are #1 Oldboy, immediatly followed by #2 Evil Dead II.)

I just hope the reboot doesn't suffer Batman Begins-syndrome, where everything is suddenly 10,000% darker and grittier and murkier. It works for some movies, but I don't see it working for Fantastic Four.

"Give Me Immortality, Or Give Me Death"


Yeah Hulk was rebooted, and the Incredible Hulk movie was good, so I'm kind of waiting for a sequel to it. The Fantastic Four movies were ok, but the problem with them is the main villain: Doctor Doom. The guy that plays him is quite atrocious, and since Doctor Doom does come from the country of Latveria, which is in Europe, I would say he would have some kind of accent, possibly a mixture of Romanian or Serbian, since its supposed to lie in-between those countries. Doctor Doom in this movie is bland and kind of crappy and his voice just doesn't fit Doctor Doom at all. He isn't anything compared to the comic one at all.



Oh yeah, just looked up some info, and it says that Latverians have a dialect based off of Hungarian. Good enough. If they do a reboot, they should use that.


I'd prefer a sequel over a reboot. No need for one at all really. Same goes for SPIDER-MAN.

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