Reboot = Stupid

If they fired Tim Story and kept the same cast the film would be better, no question. But if it goes darker, it will SUCK.

I sat here and listened to people ripping Jessica Alba before a SINGLE FRAMER was shot for the first film. Mainly, they were bitching because she is hispanic. Really? Are you serious? A) She looks like a Norwegian and B) Find something besides generational nationalities to crap on. I thought she did fine. After the Surfer' movie, she started talking political sh*t out of her *ss, so I am perfectly fine with recasting her.

But you will NEVER find a better Ben Grimm than Chiklis - NEVER. Evans was PERFECT as the cocky Johnny Storm. I could do without Doom. Let's please move on. But for crying out loud, you are planning a Surfer film and you want to reboot FF? The Surfer film should be the most epic comic book film EVER because the Surfer is the greatest comic book hero EVER. Notice I said 'should'. And you want a reboot on FF just when the table is set?

I hated Galactus too, but no thanks.

The complaint line forms to the left. Have a cupcake and an aperitif whilst you wait.





Well,who wants to build off crap. I'm all for a reboot(regardless of cliched reasons people have for being against them) because these FF movies are garbage and the franchise deserves better though I would rather Marvel Studios do it but how bad can it be?

Tim Story's FF = Stupid and Crappy

"Tell me something, my friend.You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight? " Batman '89



Same here, the FF deserve better!


Destiny Found


I agree that it's stupid. I liked the Fantastic 4 characters and am disapointed that they aren't continuing with the them. It will be wierd with them having different people playing the parts someone else had been playing.

If they want a change have someone different or helping write the script or directing it.

* So the story will contine with Sue and Reed being maried and stuff, but they will look totally different (That's Stupid)?


this sounds familiar

curiosity killed the cat!


This movie sucked ass. It makes the Ultimate FF4 comics look like a masterpiece of deep convincing fiction. Cheesy as hell. It really needs a makeover, the humor was too close to slapstick. Juvenile. It felt like a film aimed at children.


I doubt I'd watch a dark reboot. I never read the comics for darkness. Dark doesn't always suck but it's not a match for every franchise. If the FF films lack anything from the comics, it's having over the top histrionic speeches while looking at the camera, which viewers would have found campy, and not cool which is the measure of quality for comic films amongst most fanboys. I'd have enjoyed that, but I would have been one of the few. The movies were actually pretty restrained compared to the comics.

Reason is a pursuit, not a conclusion.


If ever a comic book franchise was in need of a reboot, it's this. These movies look like they were made for tv. It doesn't have to be super dark. Just longer and more serious.
