Surfer vs. Galaktus

Maybe it's been answered here before, but hey...

How is it possible the Surfer serves Galaktus when he is more powerful than him? He just plain destroys that badass cloud at the end and comes out alive as well! The inconsistency goes even further when you hear the Surfer explaining his servitude to Galaktos by stating that his overlord would destroy his "home planet" if he fails to serve him. WTF? There is actually an entire planet of Surferdudes out there? One Surfer is enough to kick the bejeezus out of Galaktus, but an entire planet of them is blackmailed by that guy?


This is what happens when movie makers decide to ignore the blueprint of the comic book. They desecrated the original concept and effectively severed the Surfer's cojonas.

Galactus could have popped the Earth like a zit in the comic.


this whole movie sucked

curiosity killed the cat!


Galactus bestowed silver surfer his powers and board, before that he was just another humanoid alien along with his fellow race. as for the movie version it should be the same unless they showed it to be a race of silver-skinned heralds (i dont remember though since i saw this a long time ago)


To answer your question: The movie was rushed.

Will you join the resistance?


Yes this movie did The Silver Surfer and Galactus so wrong it's not even funny. It was just bad. Real bad. The Silver Surfer could have whipped the Fantastic Four AND Doom at the same time without breaking a sweat. He does NOT get his powers from his board. That is so stupid. The board is like an extension of himself. They should have never even tried to show Galactus. How do you portray a character on screen that is big enough to eat planets? The answer is... you don't.


I think 'eating planets' is a metaphor. if i remember correctly from the comics, 40 years ago, he drained all the energy /life force from the planets, leaving them dead. i was very dissappointed they didn't show galactus in the movie, but not bad anyway
