Come on, make another one...

Bring back the original 6 stars, I liked both the FF movies and the 2nd I thought was better than the first. Why not call it The Rise of Doom, and show Dr. Doom at his full power, or at least let someone finally call him Dr. Doom instaed of Victor the whole time.

Show the Thing going at it with some other strong guys, if not a comic cross over. Hell, this is the only time Alba actually did a good job in a movie, not saying she was the best choice but she was pretty good.

Just think about it.



They couldn't get it right with either movie. Obviously the second one was better, but still not a great movie. Of course they were good COMIC BOOK movies, but they were not good MOVIES. I am anxious to see how they will try to pull off a reboot seeing as they'll probably do an entire makeover on the cast. And since the Silver Surfer is getting his own movie, I'd very much like it if the focus was more on Doom. I see it as the old Batman movies vs Batman Begins/The Dark Knight. The Dark Knight was obviously the best Batman movie so far and I'm sure Fox wants to try and make that happen with the Four. The majority of people who have seen both of the FF movies have not been satisfied so why try making a third one? Idk. I'm excited to see how the reboot will play out.


Recast Doom please. The rest of them are passable. Pretty suitable for their characters really. Reed could stand to look a bit older, the guy they got looks about the same age as Johnny. Reed should be perpetually 42.



Recast the only guy in a mask? Why?

I mean no one would notice but then again--no one would notice.

If anyone needs recasting, it's Sue Storm.



Well this Doom wasn't really in a mask as much as he should have been but that isn't really my beef.
I am not talking about appearances so much when it comes to Doom. His suit's design was fine, I have no real problems with that. But what about his voice? Believe me that matters. Dr. Doom should be depicted as a villain on par with Darth Vader (or better). Someone completely unforgettable. Didn't happen.
Where was the eastern european accent? Where is the power in his voice? Something that could lead one to believing he has the power and charisma to not only wrest control of an entire sovereign nation but to be capable (briefly) of wielding cosmic level power on multiple occasions?

This guy as Doom seems more like a scheming, even smarmy, con man rather than a world renowned and feared despot. The actor did a good job as THAT character but not Dr. Doom.

Maybe they would have transitioned his character more toward what I am expecting but I kind of doubt it.

and I guess I just got used to Alba as Sue. In the first movie that was the one I balked at too.



Yeah, you make a good point. The guy certainly wasn't darth vader. Smarmy is the actor's specialty, and it's obvious he wasn't given any direction to act anything but.

I think they should have left him burned for this one. He'd have had to keep on the mask, they could have given his voice the "Christian Bale" treatment, and it would have effectively turned the first film into HIS origin story. Instantly turning him normal was weird, especially when, by the time he steals Silver Surfer's board, he only gets to be Doom again for like two seconds (what was his plan?! The world was about to end! What good did that board do him?)

No, this was Silver Surfer's movie. I think they should have keep Doom in the background and brought him back in full force for #3.



I'd love to see a third film but I could do without Doom again. Needs a new villain now, Doom in 3 movies is a tad tedious tbh.

The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime


I agree with you steve... why not... Galactus in the city. They could fight Galactus a mano o mano.Just like in marvel comics.


^ Now that would be worth seeing

The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime
