The problem with these FF movies is not the cast...
It's the approach. The films were less like Spider-Man or X-Men, and more like Speed Racer. They took the oldest Marvel Silver-age title of them all and turned into a movie for (and ONLY for) audiences with the emotional and intellectual levels of a 14 year old. Well, guess what? 14 year olds grow up (and some are already mature at that age anyway), and by the time the 2nd film came along, anyone even slightly advanced past the age who would be entertained by the juvenile approach they took with this had already moved on from this one-dimensional tripe.
Reed Richards -- I never once believed this guy could lead a team in combat. They wrote his character as some kind of bumbling, absent-minded professor.
Ben Grimm -- Chiklis was probably the best casting choice they made for this film,but c'mon, is that really the best costume they could manage? The Thing looked like he had some kind of pumpkin/skin disease. Should have used CGI...
Johnny Storm -- yeah, he's supposed to be a hot-shot (pun intended), and thinks he's god's gift to the ladies, but that's all that his character was and he was written like he was a 16 old. Total caricature.
Sue Storm -- Ok, Alba is smokin' hot, and I never grew tired of looking at her, but did they really have to make her into kind of a bitch? When she's not bugging Reed about his "science projects" (in the second film), she's competing with his to prove she can do anything as well as any male (first).
I welcome the reboot, heck, I wouldn't even mind if they keep the same cast--just get somebody in charge who knows what The Fantastic Four is all about, please.
And oh yeah, try and incorporate some of Jack Kirby's design this time, at least for the gizmos, will ya?
Yancy Street out.