MovieChat Forums > 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) Discussion > If only Galactus were more than a dirt s...

If only Galactus were more than a dirt storm....

This movie could've ROCKED!!! I would've loved to see the horn-headed giant Galactus is portrayed as in the comics show up here. But, they cheesed out. An adaptation that copped out on the finish line...


Agreed. This was pathetic, considering that they had a $130 million budget and any 9-yr-old with a computer could have whipped up a half-decent CGI Galactus. Instead all we get is clouds and fire. Major disappointment.


In the comics, it works. In the movie, it would have been laughable, if not totally ridiculous. Picture a giant guy in a purple/pink suit in a movie? The audience wouldn't have bought it for a second.

The "cloud" actually works well, even if it isn't in the context of the comic book character. That shot of Galactus almost swallowing the Earth and being absolutely huge was perfect.

If you want to poke fun at something, how about the Surfer able to take Galactus THAT was silly.


I think silver Surfer was only "able" to take Galactus out is because of some cosmic-ness. When he originally got his powers.
In the movie, I think it works that Galactus wasn't shown in his true humanoid form. I mean save that for a Silver Surfer Movie, if it works for the story.
It would be more, better with the Technology improving.

mmm....padded soft...


No, Silver Surfer won't be able to do that, Galactus is way above the level Silver Surfer is at.
In terms of 'cosmic-ness', Silver Surfer could barely give Galactus a scratch.


The "cloud" actually works well, even if it isn't in the context of the comic book character. That shot of Galactus almost swallowing the Earth and being absolutely huge was perfect. >>> I don't mind the more naturalistic cloud version of Galactus, but I do wish that it had sentience. Sentience is implied, but we never hear it speak or see it communicate. Obviously it can, seeing that it created the Silver Surfer and instructed him, but the cloud should have been given some sort of character and not simply depicted as a force of nature while we are only told that there is more. It left the whole concept completely unexplored. I agree that a giant man in a spaceship would have been cheesy on screen, but all this cloud version of Galactus needed was to be shown as an entity, an intelligent one that can communicate with Reed Richards. That was a huge missed opportunity.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Do you confer with the bacteria that live in the stomach of a cow before you eat steak? Because that's probably how Galactus would think of humans, if he deigned to think of them at all.


Do you confer with the bacteria that live in the stomach of a cow before you eat steak? Because that's probably how Galactus would think of humans, if he deigned to think of them at all. >>> Do you even know anything about the source material, or just the movie? I'm talking about capturing an element of the comic book that could have made the dust storm more acceptable to everyone. Was that hard to understand?? Would it have killed them to show Galactus communicate with the Surfer, if not Reed Richards?

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


I think the storm CGI was done wonderfully. JMHO but the way they ended it left so many doors open for future films...not too bad of a job


I think they nearly did a pretty good job with Galactus. Nearly. like I said, the film could have stood to show an intelligence from this omnipotent cosmic force other than just being told about it. The film universe has spacecraft and such, so Reed should have been given the opportunity to communicate with Galactus, as well as showing Silver Surfer speak to and be acknowledged by it. I do think it was close, but ultimately a missed opportunity.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Well, according to the directors commentary there where plans at the time to make a Silver Surfer movie and he didn't want to take away the reveal of Glactus, so they decided to cover him in a cloud. And if you ask me, that works. The original Galactus is a kinda ridiculous character anyway, a big figure eating planets? Geez. And what point does it make to see him for only a couple of seconds?


The director just didn't want 'a giant robot' in any of his movies.

So I suppose even if the Silver Surfer movie became reality, Galactus wouldn't be done to his justice.

Also, the original Galactus is not ridiculous, welcome to the comic book world, where claws grow from your hand, people become rocks, you can shoot lazer from your eye and even just create a whole new pocket universe.

It does make a difference, because if they were to introduce Galactus, one of the strongest and most iconic enemy of the Fantastic Four(in fact he is a big deal in the entire Marvel Universe), yet make him something he isn't, that is just a tight slap on the face to the fans.

However I can't say it's that unexpected considering they had represented Doom as the most useless villain on scream.


I thought the same thing when I first saw the movie. A giant purple/blue man would be laughable. But now I think it would have been fine. All they would need to do is tone down the purple or make it really dark, and maybe change his helmet a bit.

Look at Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen. He was giant, blue, AND naked, but it never looked silly to me.
