MovieChat Forums > 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) Discussion > Fantastic 4 Reboot - March 6, 2015

Fantastic 4 Reboot - March 6, 2015


There doesn't need to be a reboot just do a 3rd & replace Chris Evans, we don't need to see the same story again like amazing spiderman.


Spiderman needs a new perspective. Something darker.. Id like to see a Christoper nolan take on Spiderman

the Man of steel formula would have worked BRILLIANTLY for spiderman


They should redo the story and set it initially back in the Sixties. That way they can keep it true to the original Kirby-Lee storyline of the U.S. beating the Russians into space...although I guess by 1963 the Russians already HAD beaten us but that is just technicalities...LOL...

Anyway, when the ship hits the cosmic rays and comes down it goes thru a dimensional warp and ends up in the present but of course they don't know that they've passed over 50 years into the future.

But this way Reed can discover that his little patents he'd invented working at the University now had amassed him a small fortune which he can use to relocate them to New York and the Baxter Building. It's never really been explained otherwise just how he could afford to buy those floors in that building in any of the other tellings of the origin that I can remember.

And let's keep Doom true to his original version and lose that dumb Donald Trump style remake they gave him. I prefer him as a powerful world leader.

Then bring in the Skrulls or at least have the Thing fight the Hulk (so this means Marvel needs to buy back the rights and do the FF themselves)


I dont think FF will ever be successful unless we give it a darker tone. FF has always been a Goofy Campy franchise
