The wedding at the end...
So they are all in that base, with Silver Surfer captive, in Siberia (I checked) then fighting with Doom on his stolen surfboard til they get to China. It's reasonably close, just a few thousands miles away... There they all have a punch up, and finally the Surfer rebels against Galactus, who he now has the power to destroy or something, and the confusing ending has ended.
So Reed & Sue get that wedding they were trying to have at the beginning of the movie. Strangely they manage to get the same Priest from NY, but none of their previous guests are deemed worthy of being shipped over. I guess Alicia & Frankie are there. And so is a crowd of local Japanese, in kimonos and stuff... wait, weren't the FF in China not Japan? And who are these people at their wedding, a Tokyo rent-a-crowd?
(Also, Reed... I know you love her, but did you not see what a ball-busting, controlling, violent bitch she was to you BEFORE you married her... after that ring is on her finger it's going to get a lot worse. Poor guy.)