Anybody gonna watch the reboot?

I know lots of people are impressed with the trailers,but I found them pretty boring,i might watch when its at redbox,but I am in no hurry to see it. For now I am just ginna stick with these movie. What about you guys?

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING choiah boi compahed tu me ah choiah boi


I'm definitely not. Like with Spiderman, there was no need.


I will be watching, and unlike Spider-Man, there is a serious need to reboot the Fantastic Four. It's been years since the last films, and they weren't that popular anyways.


From someone how has seen the Fantastic Four Reboot: "It is different enough. Closer to ultimate fantastic 4. It's worth it since the previous films sucked. All the actors did an amazing job.Right length and the film is more grounded."


also heard that #FantasticFour was the best Fox @Marvel film since #XMenDaysofFutrePast



Still though that does not matter. What they are saying is that it is of a quality like DOFP and is their best next to it



Still though you may like this one BETTER than DOFP. Have you seen the Rogue cut of that one yet? Its a marked improvement over the theatrical cut


Yep definitely, I was a little iffy at first but I overall like the younger cast as they are basing it off a younger version of the comics. When I saw the official trailer I got super excited so I am super excited to see it and I really want it to be good.

Now this franchise was definitely in desperate need of a reboot as the first two did not do well and though they were fun (prefer the second one) they weren't very good. So the first family of Marvel needs the reboot. So my fingers are crossed.


Watched it, hated it
