MovieChat Forums > 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) Discussion > Alba and those stupid blue contacts

Alba and those stupid blue contacts

They were distracting. She looked so damn unnatural. Reminded me of Paris Hilton. Not only that but her acting was awful.

"People scare better when they're dying"
Frank , OATITW


Since they were using Alba to play the part of Sue Storm, they should have just changed the character completely.

They dyed Alba's hair blonde and it didn't fit her, then they gave her blue eyes which also didn't suit her.
Blonde hair blue, eyes, I'm surprised they didn't try to lighten Jessica Alba's skin.
basically they wanted to turn Alba who is a dark skinned latino into a fake anglo white woman.

It didn't look right and seemed unnatural.Alba looked horrible because of it.
(btw I'm not good at using "politically correct terms" so pardon me if you don't like some of the words I used).

Instead of making Alba "white" to fit the comic version of Sue Storm, they should just made Alba her natural self instead.

If they were so bent on insisting that Sue Storm remained a "white" woman, they shouldn't have used Alba then.

but yes her acting wasn't very good either.


they should've just gotten a different actress from the start.


Exactly ! There's THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of blonde hair\blue eyed actresses in Hollywood and they decide to get one who needs to dye her hair and wear fake contacts ? Makes a lot of sense.


What's crazy is that in the 2015 reboot, they again went with an actress who was wrong for the part, and again put her in a bad blond wig.



Agreed. It was laughably bad how Jessica Alba was obviously miscast.


It was a bad casting decision. I do recall some explanation in the dialogue about having a different father than Johnny Storm/ Human Torch, but I think it would have been better if they just cast a White actress in the role who had blue eyes and blond hair.

It was alterations like this that probably tanked any chance of a third movie being made to finish out the trilogy.

Live Full & Die Empty. Tap Your Potential and Realise Your Dreams!


I don't remember that dialogue. Given the reboot casting I guess the barely released 1994 Roger Corman b-movie is the only version where Sue and Johnny are biological/full siblings.

Oh, you English are so superior, aren't you?


Alba is white!


No, she is not.

From her IMDb bio page:

"Her mother has Danish, Welsh, German, English and French-Canadian ancestry, while her father is of Mexican descent (including Spanish, Indigenous Mexican and distant Sephardic Jewish, roots)."

All Mexicans are multi-racial despite their brain washed and arrogant assertion that they are White. They are not.

Live Full & Die Empty. Tap Your Potential and Realize Your Dreams!


She is white. she looks "whiter" then many southern europeans.
Everyone can't look like Thor.


yup, very distracting.

making a latino woman blond and blue eyed looked weired, not sexy.
btw, she looked much better in part 1, even though she was also blonde there. but maybe they didnt overdo it or used differend contacts.



AMEN to all the above comments!! ;D Jessica Alba was SUPER ANNOYING in this film & probably singlehandedly killed the franchise! I.E. NO FF3!! :O :D Reboot time! & stop the politically correct casting crap of changing our beloved Marvel comics characters!! :/ Sue Storm-Latina, Kingpin/Nick Fury-black, etc..:/


I thought Jessica Alba made a great Sue storm.

The only problem was dying her hair and those contacts in the sequel. There was no reason to do that, and made it look soooo bad.

If they can take such liberties to make Galactus a cloud (which was a good decision), they could have just kept Jessica Alba looking her fine self.


I thought Jessica Alba made a great Sue storm.

The only problem was dying her hair and those contacts in the sequel. There was no reason to do that, and made it look soooo bad.

If they can take such liberties to make Galactus a cloud (which was a good decision), they could have just kept Jessica Alba looking her fine self.


"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


If they can take such liberties to make Galactus a cloud (which was a good decision), they could have just kept Jessica Alba looking her fine self.

In my mind I can envision a very good, creepy depiction of a huge Galactus that looks like he does in the comics. It could have been onscreen and een MUCH better than a cloud. It wasnt the right decision to make him a cloud. It would have been the right decision to spend some time with the art department to flesh out Galactus onscreen without looking "cheesy". It could have been done to be an amazing onscreen presence, but it needed true artists to put him onscreen in the correct manner.


I agree also. I liked her as Sue but hated the horrible wig and contacts. They should have just let her be as she is or hired someone that looked the part.


Um, no. Michael Clarke Duncan was a fine kingpin. And Sam is perfect as Fury. Alba was just bad casting period.

This is what happens when Hollywood casts female superheroes based on fanboys' wet dreams. Alba was really hot among young hetero males at the time, so she got the part. I imagine it's the same asinine rationale behind casting Halle Berry as Storm. Just a bad casting through and through.

They could've cast a Latina with blonde hair and blue eyes (they do exist -- Cameron Diaz is an example of such a Latina). Alba simply wasn't believable as a scientist and she had no chemistry at all with Ioan or Chris, who both played their roles well.


I think alba was cast because she was pretty popular arounf the time. I think Ali larter would have been a good susan

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