MovieChat Forums > Wind Chill (2007) Discussion > Only unexplained part was 1st time at ga...

Only unexplained part was 1st time at gas station...

I have read alot of people's theories and opinions here about ghosts, timelines, reliving a moment, etc. The only part of the movie that didn't make any sense to me at all, and I can't seem to find an answer for it here, was when she got stuck in the bathroom. She seems to be able to easily hear the guy talking to the attendant, she screams her head off and breaks the door handle, and yet no one heard her. But when she comes out of the bathroom everyone sitting around eating looks at her very strangely and then pointedly goes back to eating. Did they hear her? WTF? That part went completely over my head. Not to mention the fact that the one guy, who we find out later is the tow truck driver, gives her a very weird look BEFORE she went into the bathroom. Anyone have any ideas what that entire scene was about?


My take is that everyone in the movie, and the gas station bar the girl is a ghost.

This is serious (as it may sound ridiculous).

My reasons for supporting this is because, why would he take the shortcut like he did.

Why is it that the person from the gas station comes to rescue her, and then is driving for some length of time only to find he hasn't travellend anywhere.

Then the death of this person when he was frozen was very unnatural.

I think the critical clue in the movie is the two scenes where the guy in the car mentions reincarnation and eternal reocurrances of events, and that later he said that if he could he would repeat that last day over and over again.


Hi AGood... that's an interesting interpretation. I'm not judging, just my own 2 cents...

If everyone, including the girl, is a ghost, then how is it she's getting texts from her friend while she's in class?

I think the boy took the short cut because it was supposed to have beautiful scenery, and he wanted to romance the girl.

Does the boy actually say he'd do the day over and over again? I thought he said he'd do it differently, he'd just go up and talk to her, instead of playing games.

When the cop grabs the tow truck driver, he freezes and dies. Yes, when he grabs the girl and pulls her out of the window, she doesn't freeze... I'm not sure how to resolve that... Maybe she is dead, the truck drive is real, and he actually dies there? Not sure. There are so many possible scenarios.


Does the boy actually say he'd do the day over and over again? I thought he said he'd do it differently, he'd just go up and talk to her, instead of playing games.

Its been a few weeks now, but I believe near at the start when he first gets stranded he mentions that he would redo the day over and over if he could just to be with her.

But then when he and the girls was close to death near the end he says to her something like actually next time if I could do it over I would just go straight up to you.

My interpretation was everyone was dead except the girl. This would also be why when she was banging on the gas station and nobody, not the boy or anyone in the station could hear her.


I think the girl and the boy are alive. The girl has to be alive because she is led to the safety of the ambulances afterward by the boy's ghost.

I think the people at the gas satation were ghosts because the attendent warned the boy to stay on the highway. Also, at the end the place looked deserted even though it should be opened 24hrs. The tow trick driver drives past late presumably coming from there, so, it should have been open when the girl gets there.

It's weird, I don't know. But I like it. I'm surprised it never got wide cinema release. I only heard about 2 hours before I saw it on TV...and it's got Emily Blunt.



The boy never made it to the gas station, so it very well could have been open 24 hours.
Remember he said that he started peeing blood and thats why he turned around and came back early, he never actually made it to the gas station.

That's kind of the worse part, is just over the ridge through the trees, the gas station WAS open but they never really tried to make it back.

"I'm not drunk. I'm just having a little dialogue with gravity."
-Travis (Norman Reedus), Gossip


At the gas station the guy on the desk and the lad are alive, the people sitting at the tables - near the restroom - are ghosts, hence why no-one heard her banging (the counter was too far away).

The lad wasn't a ghost he was just too injured in the original crash to make it back to the petrol station in the severe weather so came back but told her it was closed to cover the fact he was dying (probably to stop her from worrying or panicking).

Everyone else, included the tow truck guy were ghosts that the policeman had murdered in the past trying to warn/protect the lad & the girl. The car that caused them to swerve was the ghost of the policeman.

At the end the tow truck guys ghost comes to save her, fails then the lad who has died in the car returns as a ghost and finally leads her to safety.
